popos123 / Logitech-G29-Motherboard-Replacement

This is a new edition of the motherboard from Logiteh G29 using EMC software
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This is a new edition of the motherboard from Logiteh G29 using EMC software

How to build own Logitech G29 Motherboard

What you need:

Simple: (if you are using STM32 prefer to uplada a code via ST Link using ST Link Utility)

  1. Upload the hex from the my repository to the one board controlling - EMC software.
  2. Upload the hex from this repository to the my emulator board - G29emu.
  3. Connect as it shown on the schematic respectively for F103 or F401.

To bulid a code just use the Arduino ide and paste a code from main.cpp and attach the libraries. You can use platform io too.

Simple presentation of the working system: https://youtu.be/wHjuSKlw6mE

So in version 1.07 is working EEPROM but no centering button, but in version 1.06 is opposite.

For F401 you need to attach the pinout from connectors and my board in proper way - see in schematic from EMC Software.

The code and hex files are free. But the software have license for 10$, see: https://www.facebook.com/EMCDeveloper/

So the total build cost: boards about 5$ x 2 and software 10$ its equal to 20$.

For 2 x F103 version you only need to download:

For F103 and F401 version: