populationgenomics / metamist

Sample level metadata system
MIT License
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Metamist is a database designed for storing de-identified -omics metadata.


The project provides an interface to interact with the -omics database via the Python client as well as the GraphQL + HTTP APIs.


High-Level Architecture

It comprises three key components:

  1. System-Versioned MariaDB Database: A robust database system for managing -omics metadata.

  2. Python Web API: This component is responsible for:

    • Managing permissions.
    • Storing frequently used queries.
    • Providing a GraphQL/HTTP API for efficient querying of the database.
  3. Installable Python Library: Wraps the Python Web API using the OpenAPI generator, facilitating easier interaction with the system.


As of Jan 15, 2024 this schema should reflect the data structure on the tables:

Database Structure

You can also find this at DbDiagram.

The codebase contains the following modules worth noting:

And metamist maintains two clients:

Installation and Running Locally


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You can see it in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.