A self-hosted Discord music bot. Aims to be a feature-compatible replacement for recently taken-down bots like Rythm and Groovy.
You need to have Node.js v14 LTS installed 1. This is the default version, but in case you need to have a different node version system-wide, you can install v14 for jam-bot alone by running
npm i node@v14-lts
in your terminal.
Confirm that Node.js is installed by running
node -v
Certain tracks will need ffmpeg to be decoded. A lot of systems may already have this installed, but you will need to install it yourself if you do not have it.
Once the prerequisites are satisfied, run the following commands one after the other in a terminal.
mkdir musicbot
cd musicbot
npm init -y
npm i jambot --only=prod
You can ignore these warnings
Place a javascript file named jambot.config.js
(Or whatever else you like) in
the musicbot
folder with the following contents
const bot = require("jambot/Jambot");
global.AbortController = require("node-abort-controller").AbortController;
token: "your_token_here",
prefix: "!",
That's it!
Now fill the token field with your actual bot token, and the prefix field with whatever you'd like the command prefix to be (even multiple characters are fine).
Run this file with the following command:
node jambot.config.js
Use the !ping
command in a text channel to confirm the bot is working, join a
voice channel, and use !help
to see all available commands. (Note that you
will need to change the prefix depending on what you configured it as)
You can employ the same instance of the bot across multiple servers, but this depends on your computer's resources.
Clone this repo, and install all dependencies with
git clone https://github.com/porridgewithraisins/jam-bot
cd jam-bot
npm i
You can run npm update
in a terminal opened to the musicbot
folder you
created for the bot, to update the package if it is available.
There is no effect outside the musicbot
folder you created for the bot. So
simply deleting the folder suffices.
Description: There is a problem with the audio stream returned by ytdl on node.js v16. Relevant issue tracker : https://github.com/fent/node-ytdl-core/issues/902
Status: Workaround implemented - Using node v14 even though discordjs complains. AbortController is also required
Submit an issue in this Github repo.