portainer / compose-unpacker

A tool used to deploy Compose stacks from Git on remote environments
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# To build the first argument, just our binary nothing else . Convenience for dev.

# Same as make (currently downloads binaries even if you don't need to which is not useful)
make build

# To make and build everything, this needs to ensure everything is there before creating the image so must depend on everything
make image


docker run --rm -v /tmp/unpacker:/tmp/unpacker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/compose-unpacker deploy https://github.com/deviantony/docker-workbench.git mystack /tmp/unpacker compose/relative-paths/web-static-content/docker-compose.yml 

IMPORTANT NOTE: the bind mount on the host MUST MATCH the bind mount inside the container for any relative asset to be loaded properly. -v /tmp/unpacker:/tmp/unpacker will work fine but -v /tmp/unpacker-test:/tmp/unpacker WILL NOT.