porterjenkins / deep_uncertainty

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Predictive Uncertainty with Deep Learning and Count Data

This repository contains the official implementation of "Flexible Heteroscedastic Count Regression with Deep Double Poisson Networks".

Important Links

Important figures used in the paper, along with the code that generated them, can be found in this directory.

Our implementations of various "single forward pass" techniques referenced in the paper can be found at the following locations:

Implementations of "deep ensembles" referenced in the paper are found at:

Getting Started

Install Project Dependencies

conda create --name deep-uncertainty python=3.10
conda activate deep-uncertainty
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Pre-Commit Hook

To install this repo's pre-commit hook with automatic linting and code quality checks, simply execute the following command:

pre-commit install

When you commit new code, the pre-commit hook will run a series of scripts to standardize formatting. There will also be a flake8 check that provides warnings about various Python styling violations. These must be resolved for the commit to go through. If you need to bypass the linters for a specific commit, add the --no-verify flag to your git commit command.

Downloading Data

Some of the datasets we are using to run experiments are in a non-standard format online. ETL code for this data has been pre-defined in the etl module and can be invoked from the command line.

For example, to get a .npz file for the Bikes dataset, run the following:

python deep_uncertainty/etl/get_bikes_data.py --output-dir path/to/your/data/dir


Training models

To train a model, first fill out a config (using this config as a template). Then, from the terminal, run

python deep_uncertainty/training/train_model.py --config path/to/your/config.yaml

Logs / saved model weights will be found at the locations specified in your config.

Training on Tabular Datasets

If fitting a model on tabular data, the training script assumes the dataset will be stored locally in .npz files with X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, and y_test splits (these files are automatically produced by our data generating code). Pass a path to this .npz file in the dataset spec key in the config (also ensure that the dataset type is set to tabular and the dataset input_dim key is properly specified).

Training on Image Datasets

The currently-supported image datasets for training models are:

To train a model on any of these datasets, simply specify "image" for the dataset type key in the config, then set dataset spec to the requisite dataset name (see the options in the ImageDatasetName class here)

Evaluating Models

Individual Models

To obtain evaluation metrics for a given model (and have them save to its log directory), use the following command:

python deep_uncertainty/evaluation/eval_model.py \
--log-dir path/to/training/log/dir \
--chkp-path path/to/model.ckpt


Sometimes, we may wish to evaluate an ensemble of models. To do this, first fill out a config using this file as a template. Then run:

python deep_uncertainty/evaluation/eval_ensemble.py --config path/to/config.yaml

Adding New Models

All regression models should inherit from the DiscreteRegressionNN class (found here). This base class is a lightning module, which allows for a lot of typical NN boilerplate code to be abstracted away. Beyond setting a few class attributes like loss_fn while calling the super-initializer, the only methods you need to actually write to make a new module are:

See existing model classes like GaussianNN (found here) for an example of these steps.