posl / DNN-repair-break-prediction

Repository for replication of our studies of repairs and breaks prediction for DNNs
Apache License 2.0
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This is the replication package of our study of repairs and breaks prediction for DNNs.

This repository contains all the source code and datasets used in our study.

We have tested to work with with AWS EC2 p2.xlarge instance (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS) and M1 Macbook Pro BigSur version 11.2.3.

How to run

Current directory after cloning this repository:

# /XXXX/YYYY/DNN-repair-break-prediction

Step 0. Download datasets

Download the directory from google drive of the following link and put it under DNN-repair-break-prediction/: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z1W3eK2UYpP_bz2PLO-MhaT6TGvb2hKr?usp=drive_link

You can see a directory named data. This directory has a subdirectory for each dataset used in the experiment and contains raw and preprocessed data.

This link also contains a directory named repairs-breaks-dataset. This directory has a subdirectory for each repair method. These subdirectories contain a csv of the repair history for each repair method. The raw_data contains the values of the explanatory variables as they are, and the preprocessed_data contains the values after the prescribed preprocessing of the explanatory variables. These datasets can be obtained at the end of Step 3 described below, but is cut out on the drive for easy review.

Step 1. Build docker container

When use only CPU (note: slow to run the experiment related to DNN training and inference):

docker compose up -d

When use GPU:

docker compose -f docker-compose.gpu.yml up -d

At this point, a container named NN-repair-break should be running.

After that, enter the shell of the docker container with the following command.

docker exec -it NN-repair-break bash

The current directory after entering the shell should be below.

# /src

The following commands are intended to be executed from the above path.

Step 2. Train target DNNs

Run the following bash file to train the DNN on the target dataset and obtain its performance.

bash shell/run_build_model.sh

It should be very time-consuming to train a model on all the datasets listed in run_build_model.sh. Therefore, you can comment out some of the contents of run_build_model.sh to run it only on specific datasets.

Step 3. Apply repair methods

This is the most time-consuming part of this repository.


bash shell/run_care_repair.sh


bash shell/run_apricot_repair.sh


bash shell/run_arachne_repair.sh

Step 4. Build repairs and breaks prediction models

Based on the history of repair in the previous step, build repairs and breaks prediction models.

First, preprocess the repairs and breaks datasets by running the following python file:

python shell/run_preprocess_repair_break_dataset.py

Then, build repairs and breaks prediction models for each dataset and repair method:

python shell/run_build_repair_break_model.py

Step 5. Run experiments for RQs

Change current directory to run the experiments for RQs.

cd src/
# /src/src


python utest.py repair
python utest.py break


python plot_bar_repair_break_pred.py


python measure_perf_selection.py


python ../shell/run_transfer_methods.py
python plot_transfer_line.py