postalserver / postal-rails

A Rails library for the Postal e-mail platform
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Postal for Rails

Postal for Rails allows you to integrate Postal directly into Action Mailer in a Rails application. There's no need to change any of your existing mailers, you just need to update your environment config.


Add the postal-rails gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install to install it.

gem 'postal-rails', '~> 1.0'


Open up your config/environment/production.rb or config/environment/development.rb and change the delivery method to postal.

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :postal

You'll also need to provide your server key. If you don't have a server key, login to your web interface and generate a credential for the server you wish to send messages through.

You also need to set the POSTAL_KEY environment variable to include key and POSTAL_HOST to include the hostname of your Postal service.

Alternatively, you can configure it as shown below in your environment configuration file along with the delivery_method.

config.action_mailer.postal_settings = {:host => "", :server_key => "xxxxx"}

That's it! Send an email to test everything is working as you'd expect. Remember, if you have raise_delivery_errors set to false you might not see any errors. Use deliver! when running your tests so any exceptions are raised.

Don't forget, you need to make sure that you're sending mail from domains that are added & verified to your Postal domain.