postgrespro / pgsphere

PgSphere provides spherical data types, functions, operators, and indexing for PostgreSQL.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
16 stars 15 forks source link

pgSphere is a PostgreSQL extension for spherical geometry.

It provides:

This is an R-tree implementation using GiST for spherical objects like spherical points and spherical circles with useful functions and operators. It also supports the Block Range INdexing (BRIN) for large datasets.

NOTICE: This version will work only with PostgreSQL version 10 and above.


Stable versions are marked with tags containing version numbers in the GitHub repository at Each stable version contains upgrade scripts for updating an existing installation to the latest version using the ALTER EXTENSION UPDATE TO command.

The master branch is intended for development purposes and may contain intermediate changes. The current version in the master branch and its functionality are subject to change.

Note: The master branch should not be used in production because the upgrade scripts and the current version number may be changed.


-- Build and install

make make install

-- HEALPix/MOC support is included by default. If your platform does not -- have the required libhealpix_cxx dependency, you can optionally build -- pgSphere without HEALPix/MOC support, like this:

make USE_HEALPIX=0 make USE_HEALPIX=0 install

-- Load extension

psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_sphere;"


-- If you are updating from a previous version of pgSphere, perform the -- same make and make install steps as above, but, instead of the CREATE -- EXTENSION step, you need to do:

psql -c "ALTER EXTENSION pg_sphere UPDATE TO 'A.B.C';"

-- where A.B.C is a placeholder for the current version. -- You also may want to check what version of pgSphere is installed using either or both of the following commands:

psql -c "SELECT pg_sphere_version();" psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_available_extension_versions WHERE name = 'pg_sphere';"

REGRESSION TEST (as the same user as the currently running PostgreSQL server):

make installcheck

-- or --

make USE_HEALPIX=0 installcheck


make crushtest

-- or --

make USE_HEALPIX=0 crushtest

The 'make' program used in all of the above commands must be compatible with GNU make.

For more information or to report issues or to help with development, please refer to

Original repository for pgSphere:

Have a lot of fun!