postman-open-technologies / collections

This is where we track everything collections.
Apache License 2.0
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This is the central repository for collection development within the Postman Open Technologies team. You will find all of our ideas for collections here, as well as links to the ones we have created as part of the stories we tell, the videos we make, and the other workshops we produce. If there is a collection you'd like to see made feel free to submit an issue on this repository, and if you'd like to build one of the ideas here, feel free to share your plans on the issue.

API Lifecycle Knowledge

These collections help answer questions about working with APIs across the API lifecycle.


These are some useful utility collections that do many different things with APIs.


These are some useful collection for playing around with different data used as sport.

Internet of Things

These are collections dedicated to helping us hack on and understand the world of connected devices.

Workshops, Webinars, and Live Streams

These are collections that have been used to support API workshops, webinars, and live streams.


Some advocacy focused collections helping support a variety of important issues.

Commonly Used APIs

Some of the APIs you can use to do common things involving the API lifecycle and advocacy.

Open Data & Research Intelligence