postman-open-technologies / gsoc-2024

Postman Open Technologies' repo for Open Source contributions during Google Summer of Code 2024
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AsyncAPI: Conference Website Maintainance #24

Open AceTheCreator opened 2 months ago

AceTheCreator commented 2 months ago

It's really important to have a website that's easy to use and keeps everybody informed about the upcoming conference. That's why we must ensure our website is dynamic and user-friendly.

Learn more here:

Mentor/s: @AceTheCreator @mayaleeeee

Project Repo:

Expected Difficulty: Easy-Medium

Expected Time Commitment: 320 hours

IAmRiteshKoushik commented 2 months ago

Who Am I ?

I am Ritesh Koushik, a sophmore student at Amrita University, India. Currently, I am pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering. My tech-stack includes : NextJS, TailwindCSS, Node, Express, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Additionally I have deploying to EC2-AWS and possess familiarity with Docker and Nginx. Lastly, I am also exploring Web3 (Solana) and learning Rust + Anchor during my free-time.

Academic Activity during GSoC 2024

During the duration of this project, I would be engaging in my semester course-work at my University, as I move into my 3rd year of university starting in July, 2024. My current semester ends around 10th June owing to which, I would be able to work on this full-time and be quite aggressive with progress across a stretch of 4 weeks till July 10th. Apart from these, there are no other pursuits that would be consuming my capacity for the foreseeable future.

What Interests Me About This Project

Being a Full-stack developer, I have found myself working on event management portals lately. While I am acquainted with the tech-stack, I do hope to build further experience in the same. This project holds a couple of interesting takeaways

Non-technical takeaways

  • Getting involved with a large project in open-source and build in public.
  • Chance to form a long-term relationship with AsyncAPI and contribute to projects under the organization in the future.

Techical takeaways

  • Upgrade a static site to a full-stack website along with website redesign
  • Work with UI testing framework
  • Google Forms integration with Google Sheets as the data storage suite.
  • Maiden attempt at working on website performance metrics (Lighthouse score)

Here is a link to my previous work : University Tech-fest Website

How To Get The Best Out of Me

In order to get the best out of me, I would like to have regular communication and smaller feedback loops from the project maintainers. I understand that there would be weekly progress reviews, but in addition to that I would also like to receive help and feedback on problems during the week and not hold it till the review dates.

Managing Parallel Workloads

Being a university student, I will be having my course-work during daytime. I usually work on projects during the evening hours after my classes. In case something is expected to come up during the weekdays which wouldn't allow me to work on a few evenings; I shall organize my weekends in a manner so as to not let my targets and objectives suffer into a backlog.

Work Preferences

I prefer to work in sprints of 2-3 hour and break my day into 3-4 productive sessions. I utilize pen and paper to keep track of tasks to complete, issues to resolves or PRs to review within a day with a goal of completing a minimum of 80% of the listed tasks on the worst days. With regards to project management, I love to use GitHub's project board (Kanban in particular) to organize and collaborate in-case many developers are working with me remotely. During meetings, white-boarding tools like Obisdians Canvas, Excalidraw and Eraser-io have been very useful to communicate ideas clearly and within a time bound manner.

Weekly Schedule

Below I have proposed a rudimentary schedule. I would like to have a discussion with the maintainers and project managers before projecting my final weekly plan.

Week 01 and 02

Milestones : Understanding target audience, creating user profiles, generating a comprehensive bill of requirements for the project Deliverables : Wireframing, Prototyping and UI Mockups

Week 03 and 04

Milestones : Completing and reviewing themes for Conference Website which align with the color palette of AsyncAPI. Deliverables : Reusable themes (light and dark)

Week 05 and 06

Milestones : Complete the FAQ, Agenda and Speaker component by drawing inspiration for existing UI libraries and creating a customized component fit for the conference website. Deliverables : FAQ Component, Agenda Component, Speaker Registration Component

Week 07 and 08

Milestones : Complete the sponsorship prospectus component by building a flipbook to view it on the website or download it as a PDF. Also commencement of integrating UI testing framework for FAQ, Agenda and Speaker components Deliverables : Sponsorship Prospectus, initial UI testing suite

Week 09 and 10

Milestones : Completing the UI test suite with 90% code coverage and optimizing the website for performance by re-evauluating client and server-side components. Deliverables : UI testing suite, Lighthouse Score Boost (40%)

Week 11 and 12

Milestones : Running final checks and clearing up backlog (if any) Deliverables : Project wrap-up, docs and report submission.

Looking forward to your mentorship, feedback and reviews @AceTheCreator @benjagm @Mayaleeeee


You can also reach out to me in the following ways:

Kavisha4 commented 2 months ago

Who Am I?

Hi, I am Kavisha Mathur, a 4th Computer Science major from PES University Bangalore, India. I am currently an SDE Intern at Tesco. My tech stack primary includes C++, Java, Spring, Javascript, Node. I am a technocrat at heart, love to dive into new technologies, events and hackathons. I have worked with Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, Github and CI/CD. In my free time I am refining my front end skills.

Academic Activity during GSoC 2024

During the duration of this project, I would continue to do my role as an SDE Intern at Tesco, and would be completing graduation. My graduation completes in April, which gives me ample time to dive into this headfirst.

What Interests Me About This Project:

In the past few months I have tried my hand at full stack. With the help of resources online I have tried learning through personal projects, one would be my personal portfolio: Personal Portfolio

Non-technical takeaways:

Technical takeaways:

How To Get The Best Out of Me:

I like to hear constructive feedback as it helps me perform better. Work best in agile or smaller sprints with regular communication and reviews. I understand this is a remote project but in case of help, hopefully the team can collaborate and help me out.

Managing Parallel Workloads:

I like to breakdown the work I have and prioritise it so it helps me concentrate on high intensity tasks easily, and I can divert my resources and attention effectively at the things at hand. As a student in the Indian curriculum it would be safe to say that it has equipped me with some level of multitasking. I will be working as an intern as part of my colleges mandatory internship period, but as freshers the workload is considerably less. I aim to keep them at equal priority.

Work Preferences:

I prefer to work in early mornings, as I am most productive that way. I use charts and to-do lists to keep track of all my tasks to be more organised. I do not like keeping bigger chunks of work to be left to a later day, and like to be proactive and finish my work in advance. I like to use Pomodoro apps, Tweak and other apps to organise my work for the day. I prefer to use to better explain my work in meets and for deeper understanding.

Weekly Schedule:

I would now like to propose a skeleton structure of the work I strive to complete in 12 weeks. Would love to have a chat with the codebase maintainers and project maintainers.

Week 1-2: Planning and Preparation

Week 3-4: Theme Development

Week 5-6: Speaker Registration Form

Week 7-8: FAQ Page and Sponsorship Prospectus

Week 9-10: Performance Optimization

Week 11-12: Agenda and Speakers Components

Looking forward to your mentorship, feedback, and reviews @AceTheCreator @benjagm @Mayalee


cybraia commented 2 months ago

Who Am I?

Hi, I am Krishna Mehta, a 4th Computer Science major India. My tech stack includes Javascript, Nodejs, typescript, golang, bash. I love frontend web development. I work with ReactJS and tailwind. I also like designing and have experience with Figma. I am also exploring dev-ops: docker and kubernetees.

Academic Activity during GSoC 2024

During the time of the project, I would doing an internship at an MNC which has minimal work, and would be completing graduation by end of May. Once I graduate, I will be able to focus on the project completely.

What Interests Me About This Project:

In my initial years of college, I explored development. Being a creative person, I also liked designing and took up a course which taught me figma. With the help of resources online I have built multiple personal projects. Check out my portfolio website which demonstrates a few of my projects.

Non-technical takeaways:

Learning to manage my time and work along side my internship. Develop soft skills like communication and presentation. My goal to network with a lot of like-minded people.

Technical takeaways:

Making a real world use-able website which is dynamic and responsive. Work on my figma skills and improve them.

How To Get The Best Out of Me:

An active communication and open feedback would help me do better. I would want regular connects with mentors and fellow mentees (if any working on the same project) which would help me give daily updates and make commits more often.

Managing Parallel Workloads:

I prefer organizing my tasks and assigning priorities to them. This enables me to decide what time is to allocated to which task. This way I will be effectively managing time and resources. My internship doesn't have high workload, it is very minimal. Hence I will be able to work on this project without any blockers.

Work Preferences:

I work in 45 min focus time, 5 min break. I feel this makes me very productive. I can work long hours with the help of this. I like to keep reminders which help me to complete the work within deadlines. I also write down any questions or doubts I have and ask them together in an online meet. I would prefer a connect every alternate day to update on the work. I break down the work as smaller tasks and make regular commits.

Weekly Schedule:

I would be writing a rough timeline about how I would proceed with the project in the whole 12 weeks of time. It is just a tentative timeline and could be changed a little later on.

Weeks 1-2: Organising and Setting Up Specify the objectives and needs for the project. Will Establish a programming environment, implement version control, and use Git for project management tools.

Weeks 3–4: Theme programming Start the theme brainstorming and ideas to make the theme more engaging and easy to use. Using TailwindCSS, create and install a theme that is both visually beautiful and responsive. Make sure the theme is reusable and adaptable for use in other website parts.

Weeks 5 and 6: Form for Registering Speakers Using form libraries, work on the registration form. Link the form to the Google Forms API so that data can be stored and retrieved.

Week 7-8: FAQ Page, Why attend and Sponsorship Prospectus Design a FAQ page, Why attend page and integrate it with the website. Add subpage for FAQ for speakers, attendees, sponsors. Work on download file of Sponsorship Prospectus.

Week 9-10: Enhancing Performance Utilising Lighthouse, do a performance audit to pinpoint areas that want improvement. To enhance page load times, we should optimise our assets, including pictures, scripts, and lazy loading.

Weeks 11–12: Speakers' components and agenda Improve the speakers' sections and agenda by employing React to dynamically show material. Provide a search function to make navigating the agenda and speakers easier. Working on feedback and project closure. @AceTheCreator @benjagm @mayalee


Email: Personal Portfolio: LinkedIn:

Other projects:

hichemfantar commented 2 months ago

@AceTheCreator I have experience building event websites with great UI/UX. My latest work I'd be happy to work on this project as part of GSOC!

hichemfantar commented 2 months ago

Conference Website Maintenance Original project idea

About me Introduction My name is Hichem Fantar and I'm currently a software engineering student at the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sousse learning new things and building projects with some awesome people. I'm currently embarking on a journey to obtain my masters in software engineering. I’m eager to participate in Google Summer of Code 2024 to gain hands-on experience, collaborate with talented developers, and contribute to open-source projects that make a meaningful impact.

I have plenty of experience working with React, NextJS, and Typescript. My latest event website: TSYP 11

Personal Information

Hichem Fantar Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sousse - Software Engineering Central European Standard Time (GMT+1) Previous contributions I’ve created issues and submitted PRs to multiple OS projects such as (Next.js, Expo,, Laravel, Nuxt,...) Open Source contributions:

Project overview Project information Project duration and difficulty: Medium, 320 Hours Project description Ensuring the conference website is user-friendly and informative is crucial. It serves as the primary platform for attendees, speakers, sponsors, and media to access event details, register, and stay updated. Project goals

Enhancing Conference Website for Optimal User Experience

Ensuring the conference website remains a pivotal hub for attendees, speakers, sponsors, and media necessitates a dynamic and user-friendly interface. Here are key steps to enhance its functionality and aesthetics:

Theme Enhancement:

Speaker Registration Form:

FAQ Section:

Performance Optimization:

Sponsorship Prospectus Accessibility:

UI Testing Framework Integration:

Agenda and Speakers Enhancement:

Technologies Utilized:

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:

Document project features, implementation details, and best practices to facilitate onboarding for new contributors and ensure project sustainability. Contribute to the creation of tutorials, guides, and documentation resources to empower users and promote wider adoption of the project within the open-source community.

Timeline May 1 - 26 – Community Bonding Period May 27 – July 12 – First half of coding July 12 - August 19 – Second half of coding August 26 - September 2 – Final week