postman-open-technologies / gsoc-2024

Postman Open Technologies' repo for Open Source contributions during Google Summer of Code 2024
42 stars 5 forks source link
api api-first asyncapi json-schema jsonschema

Google Summer of Code 2024

This is Postman's working area and list of project ideas for Google Summer of Code 2024. Please use issues and our forums to comment on project ideas, ask questions and collaborate. Refer to the guidelines here.

Timeline for GSoC 2024?

Full timeline

Important dates Deadline
Organization Applications Open January 22, 2024
Organization Application Deadline February 6, 2024
Organizations Announced February 21, 2024
Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations February 22 - March 18, 2024
GSoC contributor application period March 18 - April 2, 2024
Accepted GSoC Contributor projects announced May 1, 2024
Contributors work on their Google Summer of Code projects May 27, 2024 - August 26, 2024
Mentors submit final GSoC contributor evaluations (standard coding period) August 26, 2024 - September 2, 2024
Initial results of Google Summer of Code 2024 announced September 3, 2024

Project Ideas

Here is a list of our 2024 project ideas:

Past GSoC editions Project Ideas


Please find detailed instructions on how to qualify for becoming a contributor during Google Summer of Code 2024 in our

OSS Projects with contributors in our org

Postman's Org Application

API Specifications form an essential foundation to the API ecosystem, securing standardization, governance and overall quality of products building on this ecosystem, as well as APIs that are products themselves. Postman applies to Google Summer of Code 2024 to represent and advocate for the Specifications that are not in a position to bring in sufficient resources for an individual application. Postman's Open Technologies feel the strongest urge to raise our voice for the Open Source work that is being done in the API Specifications area, which is, similar to the API industry itself, still undervalued in its generally perceived impact on tech. Read our blog to learn more.

As explained before, this is an umbrella application for various API Specifications projects: AsyncAPI and JSON Schema. Consequently, it operates on two levels: Postman itself, which is responsible for gathering ideas and submitting the program application, and the API specification projects themselves responsible of choosing and mentoring students.

A word on ChatGPT

When writing your proposal we encourage you to not use ChatGPT or other AI tools. If you do so, we ask you to disclose the usage in your proposal. It doesn't automatically disqualify you, but we will take that usage into account when evaluating your application.


If you have any questions or queries, please reach out to each Community depending on the project ideas you are interested in: AsyncAPI Community and/or JSON Schema Community.

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