postman-open-technologies / gsoc-2024

Postman Open Technologies' repo for Open Source contributions during Google Summer of Code 2024
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AsyncAPI: Enhancing Script Stability for AsyncAPI Website #5

Open AceTheCreator opened 4 months ago

AceTheCreator commented 4 months ago

In response to the growing AsyncAPI project and website contributors, this initiative aims to bolster website stability by implementing a systematic approach to validate the integrity of scripts within the /scripts/* folder.

The project involves researching and selecting an appropriate testing engine or framework for JavaScript and Next.JS, seamlessly integrating it into the AsyncAPI website, and crafting comprehensive test cases for all scripts in the specified folder.

The final step includes establishing a CI workflow using GitHub Actions to automate the testing process, enabling early error detection before code deployment. Proficiency in JavaScript, Next.JS, unit testing, and CI/CD is essential for successful execution, ensuring a resilient and reliable website in the face of continuous development and enhancements.

Learn more here

Mentor/s: @anshgoyalevil @sambhavgupta0705

Project Repo:

Expected Difficulty: Medium-Hard

Expected Time Commitment: 350 Hour

sudo-jarvis commented 4 months ago

Hi @akshatnema @anshgoyalevil, I would love to work on this project. Is there any communication channel which we can connect on to discuss further details ?

officeneerajsaini commented 4 months ago

Hi @akshatnema, @anshgoyalevil, and AsyncAPI community,

I'm excited about joining the efforts to enhance website stability . With a strong foundation in JavaScript, ongoing deep dive into Next.JS, and a background in the MERN stack, I believe I'm well-suited for this challenge. While I'm keen to learn Jest, CI/CD, or Versal, I am eager to collaborate and contribute to the project's success.

AdityaSingh-02 commented 4 months ago

Hii @akshatnema @anshgoyalevil

Hello! I'm Aditya Singh, a Computer Science undergraduate from India with a passion for open-source contributions. Previously, I had the opportunity to participate in Google Summer of Code at, which was an enriching experience. This season, I'm eager to channel my skills and knowledge into contributing to AsyncAPI. This project has captured my Interest, and I'm excited about the potential impact I can make by contributing to AsyncAPI. I'm looking forward to contributing and make some impact

officeneerajsaini commented 4 months ago

Hi @akshatnema @anshgoyalevil, I would love to work on this project. Is there any communication channel which we can connect on to discuss further details ?

You can join Slack .

noobCoderVP commented 3 months ago

Hello @akshatnema @anshgoyalevil,

Hola amigo👋, I am Vaibhav, final year student of BTech in Computer Engineering at VJTI, mumbai, I am eager to contribute code in AsyncAPI website. I was an intern at Goldman Sachs during summer 2023, I worked there as a full stack web developer, in my internship project I worked on React frontend, I used several testing technologies for testing react frontend,

JEST I used jest as the test runner. Its coverage report is a plus point that helps us analyze extent of testing live in watch mode.

React-testing-library Utilized it for rendering components for testing (soft and hard rendering). I did the testing according to industrial standards, (for example, finding elements by role whenever possible, not by id. because user is only aware of elements according to their role, testing should be done keeping in mind what users can see and do)

Mock service worker During the test rendering of components, there are many api calls in the useEffect of React component, to avoid calling of backend APIs during testing, I used Mock Service Worker library, which helps you create mocks of backend APIs to avoid calling backend each time you run tests.

I created 140+ testcases with 100% functional coverage and 83% statement coverage (tested around 6500 lines of code), I learnt a lot during my internship and would further like to upskill myself.

I know testing of React components is a very difficult task, covering each and every usecase require lot of thinking with user point of view, I think that I will be able to do this job with the prior experience that I have.

What interests me in this project?

Working at industry level I understood the importance of test driven development, it helps to save time in long run, behavior of each component can be pre defined and tested after any changes that have been made, bugs can be caught easily.

As mentors and project coordinators, how can we get the best out of you?

You can always help me out with suggestions and enrich my knowledge with your experience contributing in the organization. I would prefer to have a good discussion every one/two weeks to add on to the work that I have done, I would like to work in collaborative environment.

Is there anything that you’ll be studying or working on whilst working alongside us?

June, July I am totally free, in august after graduation I will have to join for my job, I will still be able to contribute 8-10 hours on weekends and holidays by august, I am strongly motivated for this project, nothing can stop me from completing this project once I get the opportunity to work on it.

We'd love to hear a bit about your work preferences, e.g. how you keep yourself organized, what tools you use, etc?

Great question!! one of the most important questions that nobody asks, I am very much opinionated with my tools, I use VScode for frontend development, I use the jellyfish theme for coding tasks, I would just like to share one of the extensions that I use for making comments colorful Better comments and create marks, below is my vscode with basic problem solving template with macros, you can see the colorful comments in

image I always prefer to use the latest technologies for faster development.


Currently I am thinking to contribute some testcases in a separate branch and get familiar with the codebase, I will add the timeline by discussing with mentor, what technologies should be used to suffice the needs for this project. We should not make it very complex at the same time, discussion is required.

I would love to contribute for this project, I am getting familiar with the codebase and trying to resolve some issues. Let me know if you have any suggestions, Thanks for reading!!!