postmanlabs / newman-reporter-html

Apache License 2.0
81 stars 87 forks source link


HTML reporter for Newman that provides the information about the collection run in HTML format. This needs to be used in conjunction with Newman so that it can recognize HTML reporting options.


The installation should be global if newman is installed globally, local otherwise. (Replace -g from the command below with -S for a local installation)

$ npm install -g newman-reporter-html


In order to enable this reporter, specify html in Newman's -r or --reporters option.

$ newman run -r html


With Newman CLI

CLI Option Description
--reporter-html-export <path> Specify a path where the output HTML file will be written to disk. If not specified, the file will be written to newman/ in the current working directory.
--reporter-html-template <path> Specify a path to the custom template which will be used to render the HTML report. This option depends on --reporter html and --reporter-html-export being present in the run command. If this option is not specified, the default template is used

Custom templates (currently handlebars only) can be passed to the HTML reporter via --reporter-html-template <path> with --reporters html and --reporter-html-export. The default template is used in all other cases.

With Newman as a Library

The CLI functionality is available for programmatic use as well.

const newman = require('newman');{
    collection: require('./examples/sample-collection.json'), // can also provide a URL or path to a local JSON file.
    reporters: 'html',
    reporter: {
        html: {
            export: './htmlResults.html', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
            template: './customTemplate.hbs' // optional, this will be picked up relative to the directory that Newman runs in.
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');


newman-reporter-html newman node
v0.1.0 >= v3.10.0 >= v6.x
v1.0.0 >= v4.0.0 >= v6.x


Reporter not found

The reporter and newman must be installed at the same level, the installation should be global if newman is installed globally, local otherwise.

Getting different HTML output

You are most probably getting in-built reporter output used in older versions of newman, Please check the newman's compatibility section above.

If you are facing any other problem, please check the open issues or create new.

Community Support

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This software is licensed under Apache-2.0. Copyright Postdot Technologies, Inc. See the file for more information.