postmanlabs / pmquickstarts

Follow along with our tutorials to get you up and running with Postman.
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Postman Quickstarts


Watch the How to Contribute to Postman Quickstarts video demo:

Contribute to Postman Quickstarts thumbnail

What are Postman Quickstarts?

Postman Quickstarts are interactive tutorials and self-serve demos written in markdown syntax. Quickstarts provide a step-by-step reading experience and automatically saves tutorial progress for readers. These tutorials are published at

You can submit your own Quickstarts to be published on Postman's website by submitting a pull request to this repo. This repository contains all the tools and documentation you’ll need for building, writing, and submitting your own Quickstart.

What's special about the Quickstart format?

Getting Started


  1. Install Node 14; Homebrew installed? brew install node@14
    • Install gulp-cli npm i -g gulp-cli
  2. Install Go; Homebrew installed? brew install golang
    • Install claat go install
    • Ensure go and claat is in your PATH claat path setup
  3. Optional: install the live-reload plugin for Chrome: LiveReload

Run locally

  1. Fork this repository to your personal github account (top right of webpage, fork button)
  2. Clone your new fork git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/pmquickstarts.git pmquickstarts
  3. Navigate to the site directory cd pmquickstarts/site
  4. Install node dependencies npm install
  5. Run the site npm run serve

Congratulations! You now have the Postman Quickstarts landing page running which can be reached at http://localhost:8000/.

Common Errors

1. Claat related errors

#adding Golang to path
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin

*Note: After adding Go to your PATH, be sure to apply your new profile: source ~/.profile or source ~/.zshrc*

2. You get a EACCES error when installing gulp-cli

3. You get Error: Cannot find module 'postcss' when running npm run serve

Write Your First Quickstart

  1. Terminate the running server with ctrl C and and navigate to the pmguides source directory cd pmguides/src

    • In this directory, you will see all existing guides and their markdown files.
  2. Generate a new guide from the guide template npm run template <GUIDE-NAME>

    • Don't use spaces in the name of your guide, instead use hyphens to separate words.

      npm run template securing-api-keys

  3. Navigate to the newly generated guide (cd pmguides/src/<GUIDE-NAME>) and edit your guide in a tool like vscode.

  4. Run the website again npm run serve

  5. As you edit and save changes, your changes will automatically load in the browser.


How do I get my Postman Quickstart on

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone it to your local system
  3. Make a new branch
  4. Make your changes
  5. Push it back to your repo
  6. Open this repository on
  7. Click the Pull Request button to open a new pull request
  8. Postman will review and approve the submission

To learn more about how to submit a pull request on GitHub in general, check out GitHub's official documentation.

Create tutorial in a non-English language

If you are interested in submitting a tutorial in a non-English language, we require at least two learning modules along with a separate reviewer for the new language before adding it to the site. Currently, the site supports the following non-English languages.

Change into the /site directory. Create the name of the tutorial and include the language tag at the end of the name, such as fr for French language.

$ cd site
$ npm run template lost-in-space-fr

In the page metadata at the top, update status to "Hidden". Add language tag to tags in the metadata.

author: Joyce
id: lost-in-space-fr
summary: This is an API game
categories: Game
environments: web
status: Hidden
feedback link:
tags: Game, fr

How to deploy (for project maintainers)

Change into the site/ directory, and run the deploy script, which builds and publishes site at

$ cd site
$ npm run deploy

Note: To update custom domain, update the CNAME file in app/CNAME and BASE_URL in gulpfile.js