A C++ library for generating, validating, solving, checking, etc Sudoku puzzle.
From 23 November 2022 to Jan 10 2023, Around 18 hours in Total
My first object-oriented programming project using the C++ programming language. This project introduces me to basic concepts of threading, providing me with my first experience working with a slightly larger codebase.
vs public
vs protected
using namespace std
should be avoided as this is pulling unnecessary header to the programI faced a difficult when I am designing the backtracking algorithm when generating a sudoku.
I asked in the community for feedback, and gratefully there are mentor willing to provide some guidiance.
Build the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
//run the generator brenchmark
//run the test
Rebuild the project
cd build
make clean
This algorithm is referenced and further improved from 101 computing, which the original implementation does not guarantee the sudoku had only 1 unique solution.
bool Sudoku::GenerateSudoku()
generate a sudoku board with all number filled. The board will be a completed board without any blank to filled.
bool Sudoku::GenerateSudoku()
vector<int> numbers(9);
while (isComplete() == false)
for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++)
if (board[row][col] == 0)
// fills out the numbers vector with numbers from 1 -> numbers.size()
iota(begin(numbers), end(numbers), 1);
for (int number : numbers)
if (isPlacable(row, col, number)) // if it is valid to place a number at the location.
board[row][col] = number;
if (Sudoku::GenerateSudoku())
//recursion function to call itself and place further number
return true;
board[row][col] = 0;
return false;
return true;
int Sudoku::SudokuSolution() return the number of unique solution that this sudoku board has as an int.
int Sudoku::SudokuSolution()
int ans = 0;
vector<int> numbers(9);
// fills out the numbers vector with numbers from 1 -> numbers.size()
iota(begin(numbers), end(numbers), 1);
for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++)
if (board[row][col] == 0)
for (int number : numbers)
if (isPlacable(row, col, number)) // if it is valid to place a number at the location.
board[row][col] = number;
if (isCorrect())
//recursion function to call itself and place further number
ans += Sudoku::SudokuSolution();
board[row][col] = 0;
//return number of solutions that this sudoku has
return ans;
return 0;
void Sudoku::initialize(int difficulty)
void Sudoku::initialize(int difficulty)
vector<int> rowsCandidates = CANDIDATE_ARRAY;
vector<int> colsCandidates = CANDIDATE_ARRAY;
pair<pair<int, int>, int> backup = {{rowsCandidates[0], colsCandidates[0]}, board[rowsCandidates[0]][colsCandidates[0]]};
//backup store the value of the next attemp
board[rowsCandidates[0]][colsCandidates[0]] = 0;
int attempt = 0;
// with the more higher difficulty, the algorithm will try to get away more number from the board (if the board has less number provided, it is more difficult)
while (attempt < difficulty)
rowsCandidates = CANDIDATE_ARRAY;
colsCandidates = CANDIDATE_ARRAY;
backup = {{rowsCandidates[0], colsCandidates[0]}, board[rowsCandidates[0]][colsCandidates[0]]};
board[rowsCandidates[0]][colsCandidates[0]] = 0;
if (SudokuSolution() > 1)
board[backup.first.first][backup.first.second] = backup.second;
Speical thanks to めぐ in Leetcode Warrior community to provide help in fixing a bug when designing the algorithm of SudokuSolution() which return the number of unique solution that a sudoku board has.