DISA Repository File Manager
Install-Module disarepotools -Scope CurrentUser
Connects to a DISA Repository and creates a web session for reuse within Get-DisaFile and Save-DisaFile
# Connect to the MicrosoftSecurityBulletins repository with a thumbprint that matches "Authentication - "
# Connect to the MicrosoftSecurityAdvisories repository using certificate with thumbprint A909502DD82AE41433E6F83886B00D4277A32A7B
Connect-DisaRepository -Repository MicrosoftSecurityAdvisories -Thumbprint A909502DD82AE41433E6F83886B00D4277A32A7B
Gets a list of files available for download from the DISA Patch Repository
# Get a list of every file in the connected DISA repository
# Get a list of files published in the last 30 days
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Get-DisaFile -Since $date
# Get just the first three results. Note that if one result has multiple files, this is not calculated in the limit.
Get-DisaFile -Limit 3
# Search for Windows Server and excludes any files matching x86 or ARM64, ordered by oldest created
Get-DisaFile -Search "Windows Server" -ExcludePattern "x86|ARM64" -SortOrder Ascending
Downloads files from DISA repositories in parallel
# Download the whole repository
Get-DisaFile -Verbose | Save-DisaFile
# Download files published in the last 30 days
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Get-DisaFile -Since $date -Verbose | Save-DisaFile
# Download selected files to C:\temp
Get-DisaFile -Limit 15 | Out-GridView -PassThru | Save-DisaFile -Path C:\temp
# Download files matching "Windows 10" to C:\temp\win10
Get-DisaFile -Limit 15 -Search "Windows 10" | Save-DisaFile -Path C:\temp\Win10
Get more help
Get-Help Get-DisaFile -Detailed
Get-Help Connect-DisaRepository -Examples