potatowagon / oppenheimer

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Java webapp developed with

Running locally

  1. Create an application.properties file at src\main\resources\application.properties with the following content
spring.datasource.url=<database url>
spring.datasource.username=<database username>
spring.datasource.password=<database password>

Remember to replace the content in <>. Dont commit application.properties to git as it contains sensitive information.

  1. In a terminal, run

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run

    This uses the mvnw script to build and run the jar.

  2. Open localhost:5000 in a browser. The webapp's homepage should appear. alt text

Uploading to cloud manually

  1. Build the Jar

    ./mvnw clean package
  2. Upload the Jar to cloud


Source code is in src\main


Unit test will come soon!

Sample CSV to test inserting employees from CSV in src\test\java\com\example\demo\test_data. Note: CSVs have to be saved as CSV(Comma delimited), else it wont work! alt text

Future feature: add support for more csv file types.


Uses AWS

  1. CodePipeline
  2. CodeBUild
  3. ElasticBeanstalk

for Continuos Deployment.

  1. CodePipeline has three main stages configured:

    1. Sync Source Code from Github master branch
    2. Build the jar from source code with CodeBuild
    3. Deploy the built artifacts to ElasticBeanstalk
  2. CodeBuild uses ./buildspec.yml as the build script.

    1. CodeBuild is configured in AWS console to use the Amazon Linux 2 image. The Java runtime for the image is specified in buildspec.yml. The image is deployed in a docker container supplied by AWS.
    2. The source code needs the application.properties file to build, but it is not committed to the public github repo that holds the source code as it contains sensitive information. The current workaround is to:
      1. Host application.properties in a private Github repo.
      2. Store the github access token as an environment variable in AWS build enviroment.
      3. Use the github access token environment variable to download application.properties file from the private Github repo to the appropriate path within the synced source code.
        curl https://$GITHUB_TOKEN@raw.githubusercontent.com/potatowagon/spring-application-properties/master/oppenheimer/application.properties -o ./src/main/resources/application.properties
    3. Source code is then built using mvn. ./buildspec.yml specifies to collect the jar file as the artifact.
  3. Codepipeline is configured in the AWS console to deploy the jar file to ElasticBeanstalk.

When deployment is successful AWS console will show that

  1. CodePipeline deployment is successful alt text

  2. EBS is healthy alt text