This is a temporary repository to test the functionality of BlueR. The repository will focus on system tests using code that controls Bluetooth (BR/EDR and BLE) adapters as opposed to a mocking interface. The tests will validate BlueR functionality over the air between multiple adapters. Remoc will be used to coordinate the multiple programs communicating through the adapters. The testing framework is based on a client server architecture. A server is started which listens for clients to request tests. Clients then connect to the server using Remoc and perform individual tests.
All tests assumes two bluetooth controllers are connected to a single Linux host. Additionally all tests require the server to be started before the clients.
To use the framework, first start the server software in a terminal. This will look for clients requesting tests. The server manages the adapters. The server can be started with:
cargo run -- -v server
Next in another terminal start a client. A client will perform one test of BlueR's functionality and exit.
When done with the tests the server is stopped from the client using the command:
cargo run -- -v client kill-server
Setting up the system may require restarting the bluetooth driver. To do that first stop the bluetooth driver with:
sudo systemctl stop bluetooth
and then restart it with
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
To setup monitoring of the dbus run:
sudo dbus-monitor --system "sender='org.bluez'"
and to capture the host interface traffic to the bluetooth device run
sudo btmon -w filename_of_capture.log
For all tests the name of the device is randomly generated. These tests currently only run under Linux. The current suite of tests are:
In this test the client receives the server address over Remoc and then looks for an advertisement from that address
To test receiving a server address run:
cargo run -- -v client server-address
These tests verify that the server BLE advertisements are populated with the correct information.
To test sending service uuids or data in the advertisement
cargo run -- -v client advertising-service-data
cargo run -- -v client advertising-service-uuids128
cargo run -- -v client advertising-service-uuids16
This test verifies that the GATT server is populated correctly and can be read correctly.
cargo run -- -v client gatt-server
Test report generation can be genreated from the event driven diagnostics captured using Tokio's tracing library.
export RUST_LOG=info
The log file name is in the format: prefix.log.yyyy-mm-dd-hh
where yyyy is the current year, mm is the current month, and hh the current day.
The log path can be specified with `-l
bluer-test client [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Print help information
-v, --verbose-mode
-l, --log-path
gatt-server Sets up a GATT server and reads data from it
advertising-service-data Performs the advertising test with service data
advertising-service-uuids128 Performs the advertising test with 128 bit UUIDs
advertising-service-uuids16 Performs the advertising test with 16 bit SIG UUIDs
server-address Prints the server's Bluetooth address
help Print this message or the help of the given subcomm
kill-server Kills the server side software