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Where are all the tools? I only see one. #1

Open brendon-colburn opened 5 years ago

brendon-colburn commented 5 years ago

As of now, PowerTools consists only of a TypeScript Helper Class Generator. I plan to build some more PowerTools myself with time but if this thing is going to actually catch on I will need help.

rmssoftwaretech commented 5 years ago

How is this different from the PowerApps Control Framework (PCF). Is there any licensing needs to use Fabric UI React components ?


brendon-colburn commented 5 years ago

Good Questions @rmssoftwaretech,

From my experience so far I'd say it's kind of like comparing checkers to chess. We are both playing a game on the same board but one of them (PAC/PCF) has abstracted out complexity to get people started faster while the other (PowerTools) demands more from the user to ramp up on the technology first and then enables them to potentially do more. Granted PAC/PCF was just released, is in a preview state, and I'm heavily biased so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Another difference is that PAC/PCF is the product group's offering while PowerTools is the creation of myself after 8+ years building advanced web resources in the field and learning that I really like all things ReactJS. I'm setting up time with a member of the product group for PAC/PCF to show them what PowerTools is all about and discover if there's synergy to be had between the two of them. Stay tuned on that front.

To your other question, no there are no licensing needs to use Fabric UI React as it is an open source library just like Material-ui (which I see you are a fan of from a repo linked to you). The good thing is that while I encourage Office Fabric UI due to the similar UX to dynamics it is not required and you can use Material UI instead. In fact, at this stage I would consider Material UI to be the more mature/advanced UI Component Library. I just personally like my dynamics customizations to look as seemless as possible.