power-tools / hub

A hub for the latest PowerTools Solution and it's source code
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link
dynamics-365 javascript office-ui-fabric powerapps react typescript xrm

PowerTools / Hub

PowerTools are best described on the GitHub Page but the goal is to create utilities that can be hosted in any Dynamics 365 Instance and aide customizers and configurers in modifying the system in the new PowerApps world. As enhancements, new solutions, and components materialize look for new folders and new versions of the solution here.


For the latest stable version:

Import PowerTools_0_2_0_0.zip into your Dynamics 365 CE Instance

To start building your own PowerTools try out our flavor of create react app (after reading through the wiki and learning about the underlying structure):

$ yarn create react-app my-new-pt --scripts-version pt-react-scripts --typescript

To add commonly used components to your Power Tools Solution:

$ yarn add pt-components

Learning More

If you want to understand more about PowerTools you should check out the Wiki and get acquainted with the technologies and methods involved. You can also visit the discord channel and ask questions along your learning/building path: https://discord.gg/HvkM6dG . I have it on my phone and monitor it regularly.


There are many ways to contribute to PowerTools.


The PowerTools circular saw icon is made by itim2101 from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY