pownjs / whoarethey

Discover target social media profiles
MIT License
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Pown WhoAreThey

Quickly identify social networking accounts and more.


This tool is part of secapps.com open-source initiative.

  ___ ___ ___   _   ___ ___  ___
 / __| __/ __| /_\ | _ \ _ \/ __|
 \__ \ _| (__ / _ \|  _/  _/\__ \
 |___/___\___/_/ \_\_| |_|  |___/


This tool is meant to be used as part of Pown.js but it can be invoked separately as an independent tool.

Install Pown first as usual:

$ npm install -g pown@latest

Invoke directly from Pown:

$ pown whoarethey

Otherwise, install this module locally from the root of your project:

$ npm install @pown/whoarethey --save

Once done, invoke pown cli:

$ POWN_ROOT=. ./node_modules/.bin/pown-cli whoarethey

You can also use the global pown to invoke the tool locally:

$ POWN_ROOT=. pown whoarethey


pown-cli whoarethey <accounts...>

find social networking accounts and more

  --version                                                 Show version number  [boolean]
  --help                                                    Show help  [boolean]
  --request-concurrency, -c                                 The number of requests to send at the same time  [number] [default: Infinity]
  --method, -X                                              Custom method  [string]
  --header, -H                                              Custom header  [string]
  --connect-timeout, -t, --timeout                          Maximum time allowed for the connection to start  [number] [default: 30000]
  --data-timeout, -T                                        Maximum time allowed for the data to arrive  [number] [default: 30000]
  --accept-unauthorized, -k, --insecure                     Accept unauthorized TLS errors  [boolean] [default: false]
  --filter-response-code, --response-code, --filter-status  Filter responses with code  [string] [default: ""]
  --content-sniff-size, --content-sniff, --sniff-size       Specify the size of the content sniff  [number] [default: 5]
  --print-response-body, --print-body                       Print response body  [boolean] [default: false]
  --download-response-body, --download-body                 Download response body  [boolean] [default: false]
  --proxy-url, --proxy                                      Setup proxy  [string] [default: ""]
  --task-concurrency, -C                                    Number of concurrent requests  [number] [default: Infinity]
  --categories, -s                                          Only use selected categories  [string] [default: ""]
  --output-format                                           Output format for results  [string] [choices: "table", "json", "url"] [default: "table"]


The following example show how to enumerate various accounts belonging to 1password password manager:

pown whoarethey 1password
