powsybl / powsybl-dev-tools

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PowSyBl Dev Tools

MPL-2.0 License Slack

PowSyBl (Power System Blocks) is an open source framework written in Java, that makes it easy to write complex software for power systems’ simulations and analysis. Its modular approach allows developers to extend or customize its features.

PowSyBl is part of the LF Energy Foundation, a project of The Linux Foundation that supports open source innovation projects within the energy and electricity sectors.

PowSyBl Logo

Read more at https://www.powsybl.org !

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the PowSyBl Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to powsybl-tsc@lists.lfenergy.org.

PowSyBl vs PowSyBl Dev Tools

PowSyBl Dev Tools are components meant solely for debugging various PowSyBl components - in particular for Single Line Diagram and Network Area Diagram.

PowSyBl diagram-viewer Dev Tool

PowSyBl diagram-viewer Dev Tool is a JavaFX basic viewer used to display:

Getting started

Viewer screenshot

Note: alternatively, you can launch the viewer by running DiagramViewer::main with your favorite IDE. To do that you need to: