pparke / nitrotracker

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/nitrotracker
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 Nitrotracker v0.4
 -----------------  by 0xtob ^ 0x80

-- About

NitroTracker is a FastTracker II style tracker for the Nintendo DS. If you didn't understand that, you might want to read up on trackers. For starters, NitroTracker is a versatile tool for creating music - everywhere! It supports the popular XM file format that is used by many PC trackers and that can be played on many PC audio players such as Winamp or XMMS.

-- Installation

Patch NitroTracker.nds with the DLDI patch for your card. (Please refer to the documentation for more info on this.) Then, copy NitroTracker and some music and samples to any folder of your memory card and start tracking!

-- Documentation

You will probably need it. It's on the ...

-- Homepage and Forum



-- I want you for NitroTracker!

What you can do:

Beta test!

    Beta testers get access to early versions of the tracker
    in exchange for constructive criticism. If you want to
    be a beta tester, send an e-mail to me@nitrotracker.tobw.net

Find bugs and request features!

    Bug reports and feature requests are collected here:


    If you have something that isn't already on that list, feel
    free to add it.

Become a NitroTracker developer!

    The source and all the info on how to get started is here:


    If you want to contribute a patch or even become a regular
    developer, just drop an e-mail to me@nitrotracker.tobw.net .

-- Contact

Get in touch with other NitroTracker users in the official The NitroTracker Forum (see above).

You can also directly contact me via:

* IRC: #nitrotracker on Espernet or #dsdev on Blitzed
  (look for _0xtob)
* e-Mail: me@nitrotracker.tobw.net

-- Thanks

There is quite a bunch of people that made the development of this project possible or easier. First of all, a huge thank you to the NitroTracker beta testers, for providing tons of ideas and helping me find even the most obscure bugs:

alienspurm, andars, atomtwist, Biiaru, chrislody, grobsen, Ignatzthemouse, infradead, Jono-60, license, lotlemmwax, nitro2k01, nonfinite, parkstenator, reSet, Shagbat, silent_code, spielor, totoee, Vengeful Parasite, willgripp

NitroTracker is built on the hard work of a lot of people who work on DS homebrew mostly in their spare time. This list is by nomeans comprehensive, so please don't sue me if you are missing your name here :-)

* joat, dovoto and WinterMute for libnds and DevkitPro
* chishm for the universal FAT library
* sgstair for the incredible wifi lib
* Headspin for the great on-screen typewriter design
* doublec for his ds development tutorials that got me
  started with DS coding
* Martin Korth for the incredible gbatek reference and
  the no$gba emulator
* My friends in #dsdev for patiently answering my
* starpause for providing the samples used in the
* Michael Krause for the open source SoundTracker,
  that was a great help with the XM format
* Last but not least: Vogue and Mr.H of Triton for
  Fasttracker II, the tracker that NitroTracker was
  designed after.