ppshobi / psonic

Sonic is a super fast auto suggestion engine built by the team at crisp.chat, a customer engagement platform. its built in Rust and they officially support a javascript client, but if you want to use sonic via php, this is the library that you can look for. Completely unit tested, and adheres to modern coding standards, and offers a clean api to interact with sonic.
MIT License
130 stars 9 forks source link
autocomplete php rust-lang sonic

Psonic - PHP client for sonic auto suggestion engine




Sonic is a super fast auto-suggestion engine built by the team at crisp.chat, a customer engagement platform. it is built in Rust and they officially support a javascript client, but if you want to use sonic via PHP, this is the library that you can look for. Completely unit tested, and adheres to modern coding standards, and offers a clean API to interact with sonic.

Installation & Usage

you need a running sonic instance (locally or in the cloud, the port 1491 should be accessible) php7+ and composer to make this library work. Read more on installing sonic

Api Documentaion

Full API Documentaion


once you have psonic in place, you have access to the Client and Channel classes, Each channel instance requires a separate new client instance since sonic doesn't allow channel switching within the same connection. Read more about sonic concepts below


To index few objects into the sonic use the following sample code, make sure you have a running instance of sonic on port 1491

$ingest  = new Psonic\Ingest(new Psonic\Client('localhost', 1491, 30));
$control = new Psonic\Control(new Psonic\Client('localhost', 1491, 30));
echo $ingest->push('messagesCollection', 'defaultBucket', "1234","hi Shobi how are you?")->getStatus(); // OK
echo $ingest->push('messagesCollection', 'defaultBucket', "1235","hi are you fine ?")->getStatus(); //OK
echo $ingest->push('messagesCollection', 'defaultBucket', "1236","Jomit? How are you?")->getStatus(); //OK

echo $control->consolidate(); // saves the data to disk



To search on the index using the following sample code

$search = new Psonic\Search(new Psonic\Client('localhost', 1491, 30));
var_dump($search->query('messagesCollection', 'defaultBucket', "are")); // you should be getting an array of object keys which matched with the term "are"

To get autosuggestions/autocomplete for a term from the index use the following sample code

$search = new Psonic\Search(new Psonic\Client('localhost', 1491, 30));
var_dump($search->suggest('messagesCollection', 'defaultBucket', "sho")); // you should be getting an array of terms which matched the term "sho". Considering previous example and it should output "shobi"

Basic sonic Concepts

Sonic is more of an identifier index than a document index. Meaning, if the query matches some records it will be giving you the identifier of the matched object, than the object itself. Probably you will have to query the actual data store again with those keys. Check Basic Terminology used in sonic below as well. Read more on sonic repository


Sonic doesn't offer an HTTP endpoint as of now, rather it offers a TCP endpoint like Redis (They call it RESP protocol), and we call it channel. There are 3 kind of channels

Basic Terminology

Consider you are storing the chats of your customers from an e-commerce website.

Testing & Contribution

To run sonic in local, the best way is to use docker

Run below command in terminal. you should have a sonic instance running.

$ docker run -d -p 1491:1491 -v /path/to/sonic.cfg:/etc/sonic.cfg -v /path/to/sonic/data/store:/var/lib/sonic/store/ valeriansaliou/sonic:v1.1.9

Then do a git clone of this project

$ cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/ppshobi/psonic.git

then cd into the project directory and do a composer install

$ cd psonic && composer install

Use phpunit to run tests.

Feel free to send pull requests.