praeclarum / BuildLight

Show IDE build status using an IoT device
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Build Light

Display your IDE's build status using RGB LEDs and IoT devices!

Created on Frank Krueger's Twitch Stream.



  1. Install the Visual Studio Extension called "Build Light" from the Beta Gallery.
  2. Restart Visual Studio


  1. Install the Visual Studio Extension called "Build Light"
  2. Restart Visual Studio

Bill of Materials

  1. ESP32 Dev Kit (Amazon)

  2. 5V RGB LED Strip (Amazon)

  3. Some wires/some solder.

Construction Steps

  1. Create a Secrets.h in the BuildLightDevice folder with the SECRET_* defines for your WiFi network.

  2. Connect pins 27 & 26 to RED and GREEN on light strip.

  3. Connect pin VIN to +5V on light strip.

Extension Building Steps


Load the extension in VS4Mac, then Run.


Set the VS project as the startup project.

Run, open a new project in the experimental edition and build a project.



| praeclarum Frank A. Krueger [Owner] | AlexHedley AlexHedley |