praetorian-inc / purple-team-attack-automation

Praetorian's public release of our Metasploit automation of MITRE ATT&CK™ TTPs
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The Metasploit Framework is released under a BSD-style license. See COPYING for more details.

Purple Team ATT&CK™ Automation

At Praetorian, we were seeking a way to automatically emulate adversary tactics in order to evaluate detection and response capabilities. Our solution implements MITRE ATT&CK™ TTPs as Metasploit Framework post modules. As of this release, we've automated a little over 100 TTPs as modules.

Metasploit's advantage is its robust library, capability to interact with operating system APIs, and its flexible license. In addition, we're able to emulate the features of other tools such as in-memory .NET execution via leveraging Metasploit's execute_powershell functionality. This allows Blue Teams to ensure that their tools are alerting on the actual TTP behavior and not execution artifacts (such as encoded PowerShell).

Our solution is built on top of the latest version of Metasploit as of 09Apr2019 (pulled from: We’ve made minor modifications to Metasploit’s code base to enable some of the automation. Everything should work as intended if you’re already familiar with Metasploit. The magic happens after you establish a Meterpreter session and run a TTP as a post-exploitation module.

We're open sourcing our work because we believe in solving the cybersecurity problem. By giving Blue Teams more tools to emulate adversary behavior, we hope to improve their capabilities and reduce the still very high average dwell time.


For detailed opertional usage guidance and a full list of modules and changes, please view the GitHub Wiki.


Quick start video guide

Quick start video guide:

Installation should follow the instructions for installing a Metasploit Docker environment:

In general:

version: '3'
      # example of setting LHOST
    # example of adding more ports
      - 8080:8080
      - 443:443

Meterpreter Payloads

Praetorian recommends you utilize the nightly installers in order to run msfvenom to create your payloads.

Common Errors

ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?

Solved by

service docker start

Future Work


If you're interested in our Purple Team services, please contact us online or read more about "Why Praetorian Benchmarks to MITRE ATT&CK™ and Why You Should Too".

If you're an engineer looking to join our great team, we have openings at our careers page.


See the Contribution Guide for a step-by-step guide to making a module.

Also, follow the Metasploit Framework's general contributing guidelines.


We'd like to thank various members of the security community for providing a lot of the techniques and code that we integrated into this project.

At Praetorian, the following engineers helped contribute modules: