prajwalkulkarni / bingenow

Bingenow is a site to stream movies and tv shows for free.
MIT License
6 stars 6 forks source link
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2023 movie-streaming open-source


Bingenow is an application to stream movies and tv shows for free. The streaming happens through a third-party service, so this application would be essentially an interface to consume the media.


Although the streaming service will be provided through a third party, to enchance the user experience, this application will have its own backend to persist data like watchlist, watch history etc.

The following are the technologies used.





This project is in a beginner stage with a room for lots of improvements, hence I'm looking for some help in maintaining the project, developing features, components and the UI. I believe the tech stack is pretty interesting and there's an amazing opportunity to learn and build great things here. If you're a beginner or an expert in the field of web development, there are numerous opportunities for everyone. I aim to keep this project more collaborative and fun. So, if you're a movie/series buff or a coding geek in general, and would like to build a platform to stream movies/tv shows for free, fell free to contribute to this project. Kindly read the guildelines for contributing to this repository.