prajwalrajup / Social-Stream

Social Stream is a tool for social media managers and marketers that simplifies the content creation process. It allows users to set up customized feeds based on relevant sources, curate AI-generated descriptions and schedule posts for social media platforms. This ensures users have fresh content and consistent posting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add proper readme file #20

Closed prajwalrajup closed 1 year ago

prajwalrajup commented 1 year ago
  1. Begin by providing an overview of what the bot does. For example: "This bot fetches the top posts from a given subreddit on Reddit and uploads them to an Instagram account."

  2. Provide steps to install prerequisites or requirements for using the bot, such as API keys and dependencies.

  3. Include instructions for how to set up and run the bot. This might include steps such as:

    • Cloning the repository to your local machine
    • Installing any required dependencies
    • Setting up API keys for Reddit and Instagram
    • Configuring any necessary settings in the config file (e.g. subreddit to fetch posts from, Instagram account to upload to)
    • Running the bot (e.g. with a command such as python
  4. Provide examples of the output or results the bot produces. This might include screenshots or descriptions of the images uploaded to Instagram.

  5. Include any known issues or limitations with the bot (you can find them in the issues section).

  6. Finally, include any additional resources or references that may be helpful for someone using or contributing to the bot.

JJanany commented 1 year ago


prajwalrajup commented 1 year ago

Sure, am assigning it to you and I've added the instructions in the description. Thank you for helping me around.