The Social Stream is a project that helps users to collect information and generate content for social media platforms like Instagram, YT, and LinkedIn. It is designed to save time and effort for individuals and businesses who want to improve their social media presence by creating engaging and relevant content.
Social Stream is a tool that helps social media managers and marketers streamline their content creation process. It works by collecting relevant information from various sources, such as news websites, industry blogs, and social media platforms, and using that information to generate engaging and informative content for social media.
Using Social Stream, users can set up customized feeds based on sources related to their industry or brand. The tool then pulls in relevant content from these feeds, curate descriptions and schedule posts for Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as other social media platforms.
Customized Feeds: Users can set up feeds based on relevant sources that represents there industry.
Content Curation: Social Stream pulls in relevant content from feeds, curate with approprite description and schedule posts for Instagram and LinkedIn as well as other social media platforms.
Post Scheduling: Users can schedule posts for specific times and dates using cron, ensuring consistent posting and engagement.
Image Editing: Social Stream includes basic image editing allowing users to resize to their social media images.
Social Listening: Social Stream monitors social media platforms for mentions of a user's brand or industry, allowing users to engage with their audience and stay on top of trends by auto replying and likeing certain posts.
[ ] Use AI to generate description based on content being posted
[ ] Add Youtube and LinkedIn integration
[ ] Generate automated AI deepfake scripted video
[ ] Make docker image to add ebility of running on remote servers
[ ] UI to generate the configuration file
Installation instriction can be found in the WIKI section
Contributions are always welcome!
If you would like to contribute to this project, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub. We welcome contributions from the community and appreciate your feedback.
Social Stream is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.