prasadKodeInCloud / meteor-client-debugger

Facilitates to debug client side codes of meteor
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

Client-Debugger Smart Package

This package is tested onwards meteor version. This facilitates developers to debug client side codes of meteor apps for identified useful senarios. Other wise developers have to put break points in developer console or add console.logs manualy inside code to detect function executions. This version of package faclilitates to,

1. Log templates getting rendered at client events.
2. Log template helpers getting called.
3. Log template events getting triggered. 
4. Calculate total loading time of helpers.
5. View helpers reload count.

Helpers getting called can be seen in a tree view.

Client-Debugger - Client side debugging tool for meteor apps.

Logs will be displayed in different color :green_heart:

Client-Debugger - Client side debugging tool for meteor apps.


meteor add prasad19sara:client-debugger

Enable UI Mode

Add this code to top level js file of your app.

if( Meteor.isClient )
    ClientDebugger.debugMode = true;

'Debugger' button will be automatically added to top-right corner of the app. Click the button to view debug popup view. Click 'Start Tracking' button for tracking helpers getting called.

Debug templates

Template Render

To log the templates getting rendered at client side events, type this in browser console.

Session.set('debug_template', 'render' );

example log :

* Rendered Template : personalInfo  

Template Helpers

To log template helpers getting called, type this in browser console.

Session.set('debug_template', 'helpers' );

example log :

* Called helper "name" of "personalInfo" template
    Result : < return value of the helper >

To Specify the templates of the helpers need to log (By default all the template helpers will be logged.)

ClientDebugger.templates = ['templateName1', 'templateName2', ...]

Template Events

To log the template events getting triggered, type this in browser console.

Session.set('debug_template', 'events' );

example log :

* Triggered "click .test-btn" event of "hello" template 

Debug All

To log using all the debugging options,

Session.set('debug_template', '*' );

Calculate total loading time of helpers

Sometimes you will need to check whether is there any change in the loading time after adding or removing template helpers or templates when triggering an event (ex: route change ). To test this,

1. Type in console : Session.set('debug_template' , 'helpers')
2. Type in console : ClientDebugger.start()
3. Fire the event 
4. Type in console : ClientDebugger.totalTime()

Total execution time will be dislayed in seconds.

View helpers reload count

To organize called helpers by templates and to view helpers reload count,

1. Type in console : Session.set('debug_template' , 'helpers')
2. Type in console : ClientDebugger.start()
3. Fire the event 
4. Type in console : ClientDebugger.helpersByTemplate()

A json object will be logged in console which contains template names and called helpers info of each template.

Remove Debug Mode

To get rid of debug mode, just refresh the browser.


Create a chrome extension to view and evaluate template loading time