praydog / REFramework

Scripting platform, modding framework and VR support for all RE Engine games
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RE7 performance issues #160

Open ExpensiveswordVR opened 2 years ago

ExpensiveswordVR commented 2 years ago

now, my GPU isn't the best at a 1660 super but I have to set everything at performance and the renderer at interlaced for it to only just work and the antialiasing is very low, even though it isn't the best GPU the other games like re2 and re3 work very well and looks great in VR, there may be something wrong with the rendering?

budwheizzah commented 2 years ago

First make absolutely sure the game's own Resolution Scaling option is not above 1.0, because that will multiply your actual resolution and it's super inefficient. Next, get off interlaced and instead, just temporarily set a lower resolution scale in the SteamVR video settings... playing with that option will have the most effect for you. I reckon minimum spec to enjoy this game given the heavy PCVR resolution it's running this at is a 2060, the 1660 is just short of that, but I'm hoping you might get something out of it with the SteamVR resolution % setting.

Baby4bear commented 8 months ago

good RE7.... spin my 4090