prebid / line-item-manager

Prebid Line Item Management Tool
30 stars 17 forks source link

================= line-item-manager

.. image:: :target:

Create and manage line items.

Example Workflow

  1. Save and edit a copy of the package config ::

    $ line_item_manager show config > my_config.yml

  2. List bidder codes and names for reference ::

    $ line_item_manager show bidders

  3. Do a dry run to see if everything looks right ::

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --dry-run \ --private-key-file my_gam_creds.json \ --network-code 12345678 \ --network-name Publisher_GAM_Name \ --bidder-code rubicon \ --bidder-code ix

  4. Do a test run creating a limited number of line items for visual inspection ::

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --test-run \ --private-key-file my_gam_creds.json \ --network-code 12345678 \ --network-name Publisher_GAM_Name \ --bidder-code rubicon \ --bidder-code ix

  5. Create line items ::

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --private-key-file my_gam_creds.json \ --network-code 12345678 \ --network-name Publisher_GAM_Name \ --bidder-code rubicon \ --bidder-code ix

Advanced Features

  1. Use a custom line item template ::

    1. save and edit a copy of the default line item template

    $ line_item_manager show template > my_template.yml

    2. edit my_template.yml; e.g. add geoTargeting to exclude locations

    3. create line items referencing your custom template

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --single-order \ --template my_template.yml

  2. Use a custom settings file ::

    1. save and edit a copy of the default settings

    $ line_item_manager show settings > my_settings.yml

    2. edit my_settings.yml; e.g. use a custom bidder code

    3. create line items referencing your custom settings

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --single-order \ --settings my_settings.yml

  3. Use a custom schema file ::

    1. save and edit a copy of the default schema

    $ line_item_manager show schema > my_schema.yml

    2. edit my_schema.yml; e.g. use a custom currency list

    3. create line items referencing your custom schema

    $ line_item_manager create my_config.yml \ --single-order \ --schema my_schema.yml

Local Development

Installing and running line_item_manager locally using docker ::

$ git clone git:// $ cd line-item-manager $ command='line_item_manager' extra_args='--help' make docker-run


See this default config_ that you can edit for your own purposes.

Configure access to Google Ad Manager

In order to use line-item-manager, you need to provide JSON private key file and configure access to your Google Ad manager account:

  1. In Google API Console generate private key file for service account
  2. In Google Ad Manager enable API access and create new services user with Administrator role.

See detailed instructions <>_ in documentation of GAM authentication.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

.. _config: .. Cookiecutter: .. audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage: