A free and open source kit of ui-components used by Predicate Studio and open to more.
To view a panel, open the associated example.html in a basic server, such as VS-Code's live server. A similar server can be run from the adjacent serve.py. Note that your python environment will need fastapi and uvicorn installed.
pip install fastapi uvicorn
Alternatively, consider running the top-level .py file, server.py. This will allow you to peruse each panel. The requirements are the same.
To create a panel component, start with the template file. The files within are as follows:
This file is an extremely simple server. Run it to locally host the adjacent example.html for viewing and testing.
This is an example html implementation of your panel. Ideally this has very little variation from the template. This is only used with the adjacent serve.py.
This is an example .vue implementation of your panel. Ideally this has very little variation from the template. This is only used with server.py
This is sample json object for this panel. To provide more examples for the sake of documentation, consider adding a json folder with alternatives.
This file should be renamed to your panel name. This should be the true core of your panel.
This directory should contain .vue files containing components for your panel.
All widgets are implemented in vue.js with bootstrap 5.