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Arduino Commandline interface (arduino-cli):

Note: if you want to change the path for downloading the packages, please copy entire ~/.arduino15 folder into your path and change the directory in ~/.arduino15 default folder.

export TMPDIR=/mnt/arduino-install/temp

yaml (~/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml) file is a configuration file which we need to change whenever we want to install any library and board configurations

  Pre-requisites for  (arduino-cli) Arduino Command Line Interface in ubuntu:

  1. Download arduino-cli utility from internet, we have two options for arduino availability
      a. directly download utility from internet - (or)
      b. or download source code and extract and compile it -

  2. once we get utility from above resources, we need to copy arduino-utility into /usr/local/bin/arduino-cli

  3. Add platform, boards, upload and compilation procedure to arduino-cli.Reference:

  4. PLatform and board installation
      a. Install Support Arduino Board cores
              1. arduino-cli core install arduino:avr
      b. Install Support for 3rd party Board cores
      c. arduino-cli board listall | grep arduino | grep uno

  5. arduino-cli config init -- this can be done once 

  6. Add the board details in arduino-cli.yaml and updare arduino/3rd party board details using command: "arduino-cli core update-index"

  7. Arduino/3rd party board installations using yaml scripts: arduino-cli core search uno
              Ex: praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop$ arduino-cli core search uno
              Updating index: package_index.json downloaded
              Updating index: package_index.json.sig downloaded
              Updating index: package_esp8266com_index.json downloaded
              Updating index: package_esp32_index.json downloaded
              Updating index: package_esp32_index.json downloaded
              Updating index: package_rp2040_index.json downloaded
              ID              Version Name
              arduino:avr     1.8.4   Arduino AVR Boards
              arduino:megaavr 1.8.7   Arduino megaAVR Boards

  8. arduino-cli core list - it will display the core list on connected board.
              Ex: praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop/sketch2$ arduino-cli core list
                    ID              Installed Latest Name
                    esp8266:esp8266 3.0.2     3.0.2  esp8266

  9. Installations:
        a. Core Installation: arduino-cli core install esp8266:esp8266 

  9. Library installation: 
        a. arduino-cli lib search LibraryName
        b. arduino-cli lib install <LibraryName>
        c. praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop$ arduino-cli lib list
              Name    Installed     Available         Location Description
              ssd1306 1.8.3         -                 user     -

        c. arduino-cli lib update-index
        d. arduino-cli lib uninstall "ssd1306"
        e. arduino-cli lib install AudioZero       # for the latest version.
           arduino-cli lib install AudioZero@1.0.0 # for the specific version.
           arduino-cli lib install --git-url
           arduino-cli lib install --zip-path /path/to/ /path/to/


  10. Few arduino commands: 
        a.arduino-cli board list - it will display the connected board details
              Ex:praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop/sketch2$ arduino-cli board list
              Port         Type              Board Name FQBN Core
              /dev/ttyS9   Serial Port       Unknown
              /dev/ttyUSB0 Serial Port (USB) Unknown

        b. arduino-cli board listall - it will display all the supported boards list upon adding yaml additional URLs
              praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop$ arduino-cli board listall
              Board Name                      FQBN
              DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1            esp32:esp32:esp32doit-devkit-v1
              NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)    esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2

  7. Create new sketch
        arduino-cli sketch new Sample

  8. compile the sketch using
        arduino-cli compile --fqbn esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2 sketch
        (or) arduino-cli compile -b esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2 sketch

  9. upload using 
        arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --fqbn esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2 sketch

  10. Sample /home/praveenv/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml file for installing boards and platforms

        Sample code:

          additional_urls: [,]
          port: "50051"
          data: /home/praveenv/.arduino15
          downloads: /home/praveenv/.arduino15/staging
          user: /home/praveenv/Arduino
          enable_unsafe_install: false
          file: ""
          format: text
          level: info
          addr: :9090
          enabled: true
          always_export_binaries: false

  12. arduino-cli config dump --verbose

  13. install upon updating yaml file: arduino-cli core install esp32:esp32

  14. Reference: 

  15. arduino-cli board details esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2
        praveenv@praveenv-vm:~/Desktop/sketch2$ arduino-cli board details esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2
        Board name:            NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
        FQBN:                  esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2
        Board version:         3.0.2

        Package name:          esp8266
        Package maintainer:    ESP8266 Community
        Package URL: 
        Package website:
        Package online help:

        Platform name:         esp8266
        Platform category:     ESP8266
        Platform architecture: esp8266
        Platform URL:
        Platform file name:
        Platform size (bytes): 38204730
        Platform checksum:     SHA-256:653add97df0a850ebc26f105355be749fb83c2db7b1ddf3e77950e694059eb9c

        Required tool:         esp8266:xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc                                                   3.0.4-gcc10.3-1757bed

        Required tool:         esp8266:mkspiffs                                                               3.0.4-gcc10.3-1757bed

        Required tool:         esp8266:mklittlefs                                                             3.0.4-gcc10.3-1757bed

        Required tool:         esp8266:python3                                                                3.7.2-post1

        Option:                CPU Frequency                                                                  xtal
                               80 MHz                                                                    ✔    xtal=80
                               160 MHz                                                                        xtal=160
        Option:                VTables                                                                        vt
                               Flash                                                                     ✔    vt=flash
                               Heap                                                                           vt=heap
                               IRAM                                                                           vt=iram

  16. arduino-cli sketch new <sample_prog_name>
  17. [NewFrameWork/ArdunioMakefile for the same]Other References for compilation:
        a. sudo apt-get update
        b. sudo apt-get install arduino-mk
        c. Link library ln -s /usr/share/arduino/
        d. create example folder and .ino file then create : mkdir libraries
        e. make
        f. cd build-uno/
        g. make upload
        h. make upload clean
        i. sudo apt-get install screen
        j. make upload monitor clean
        k. screen -list
        l. screen -r
        m. screen -X quit
        n. Makefile Example:
              ARDUINO_DIR = /usr/share/arduino
              ARDUINO_PORT = /dev/ttyUSB0
              USER_LIB_PATH = /home/praveenv/sambashare/NodeMCUProjects/sample/libraries
              BOARD_TAG = esp8266com:esp8266:generic //TODO: Not working -- <Need to decide based on board type - unfortunately dint work>
              include /usr/share/arduino/

  18. SDK

ESP32 CAM: (Board Settings: /home/praveenv/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/2.0.2/boards.txt - to select app storage APP (3MB No OTA/1MB SPIFFS))

        1. Connect 3.3v pins at the time of flashing
        2. Connect IO0 and Gnd short for flashing
        3. connect Tx->RX amd Rx->Tx for UART
        4. We need to connect 5v for camera to work
        5. settings for 
              a. selecting right board: ESP32 Wroover module
              b. choose 115200 as baud rate
              c. select huge app 8MB
              d. select correct COM port
              e. choose AI THINKER for camera module to work

        6. Select Camserver for example from file->example