Tweetr - The Twitter Client
Tweetr is a simple twitter client where in you authenticate with your Twitter account (Tweetr does not save password) and view your timeline, reply to a tweet or post a new tweet.
Features for the app:
- Simple login mechanism using the OAuth flow.
- Once authenticated, land on your user timeline and view list of 25 most recent tweets.
- The tweets are loaded with an intuitive animation which makes the app more engrossing.
- Swipe left or right on a tweet to hide it temporarily
- The tweets in timeline also contain embedded media images along with clickable links to go to the website.
- More tweets are automatically loaded once you reach the end of page (endless scrolling).
- Compose a new tweet by clicking on the compose button in Menu bar or by clicking on "What's Happening" in the timeline.
- Interactive character counter to make sure you don't exceed your character limit.
- Click on any tweet to view more details for the same including a larger version of the image.
- Directly reply to the author of the tweet from the tweet detail page.
1) Login Screen:
2) Authenticate your twitter account to tweetr:
3a) Tweetr Timeline screenshots:
3b) Tweetr Timeline screenshots:
3c) Tweetr Timeline - Swipe left or right on a tweet to hide it temporarily:
![Screenshots](/sampleapk/3c - SwipeToHide.png "Screenshot Swipe to hide")
3d) Pull down list to refresh tweets
4) Detailed tweet:
5) Reply to author of the tweet:
6) Compose a new tweet:
7) Refresh timeline after posting tweet :
Sample APK is included in the sampleapk folder (Tweetr.apk).
The following libraries are used to make this possible:
- scribe-java - Simple OAuth library for handling the authentication flow.
- Android Async HTTP - Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing
- codepath-oauth - Custom-built library for managing OAuth authentication and signing of requests
- UniversalImageLoader - Used for async image loading and caching them in memory and on disk.
- ListView Animations - Easily create ListViews with animations.
- PullToRefresh Listview - A generic, customizable, open source Android ListView implementation that has 'Pull to Refresh' functionality.