presciencelabs / tabitha-targets

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Sources API

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Local development

pnpm i

Running locally

1. Load the database

Dump files can be found under the "Artifacts" section of the workflow runs of the databases repo:

Running the following command will load the data locally:

wrangler d1 execute <DB_NAME_FROM_WRANGLER_TOML_FILE> --file=<DB_NAME_FROM_WRANGLER_TOML_FILE>.tabitha.sqlite.sql

2. Start the app

pnpm build will need to be run the first time only.

pnpm dev

The site should then be available here: http://localhost:8788

Static analysis

pnpm check

Testing locally

pnpm exec playwright install will need to be run at least once to get the headless browsers for testing.

pnpm test:e2e

🐛 debugging tests can be done with pnpm test:e2e:dev.


Always start your work in a new branch.

Run the following command as a last check before opening a PR

pnpm precommit

Error handling

TODO: will integrate Sentry once is fixed.