pressoholics / prso-gravity-forms-adv-uploader

GNU General Public License v3.0
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=== Gravity Forms Advanced File Uploader === Contributors: ben.moody License: GPLv3 License URI: Tags: gravity forms, gravity forms file upload, gravity forms file uploader, gravity forms uploader, plupload, gravity forms videos, gravity forms youtube, youtube uploader, youtube file uploader Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.4.2 Stable tag: 1.4

Chunked Multiple file uploads, Auto upload of videos to YouTube & Brightcove, Files stored in WP Media Library, Advanced options.

== Description ==


This is the Gravity Forms uploader plugin for those who need a little more than the default multi file upload of Gravity Forms v1.8.

Note -- if you are running an older version of Gravity Forms without the built in multi file upload you can use this (tested from v1.6 upwards).

The plugin options page provides you with granular control over many Plupload parameters from file extension filters to chunked uploading and runtimes.

All files are uploaded to the Wordpress media library on successful form submission making for easy access and management.

If you chose to activate the Video Uploader add-on the plugin will detect any video files being uploaded and automatically send them to your YouTube account as private videos awaiting review (Also includes Brightcove FTP, Vimeo API is on its way!).

For the security conscious among you the plugin takes many steps to protect the server from nasty files:

Large File Support - Enable chunked file uploads to allow for large files uploads and circumvent server uploads limits.

Advanced Customization - If you are a dev and need even more control there are a number of filters and actions to hook into. Also you can make a copy of the ini scripts used to generate each UI. Place them in your theme and just wp_dequeue_script then enqueue_script with your script path and it will have access to all the localized vars.

Please Note -- When using the Video Uploader option, although actual file upload takes place asynchronously. If your server script timeouts are too short you will have problems with larger video files. That said the plugin does try to increase the timeout but it really depends on your hosting setup.

== Installation ==

NOTE: You will require PHP iconv extension installed on server for YouTube uploader to work

  1. Upload prso-gravity-forms-adv-uploader to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Settings -> Gravity Adv Uploader to set all your awesome options

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

More info over at GitHub (

= Notification Email Support =

Extend Gravity forms advanced uploader and show a list of all local uploads as well as any external uploads (Youtube, ect) in GravityForms user notification emails.

Learn More about notification email support

= Change Plupload Language =

Use 'prso_gform_pluploader_i18n_script' filter in themes functions.php to select language for Plupload:

add_filter( 'prso_gform_pluploader_i18n_script', 'plupload_i18n' ); function plupload_i18n( $i18n_filename ) {

//Use fr,js file - remove .js from filename
$i18n_filename = 'fr';

return i18n_filename;


See plugins/prso-gravity-forms-adv-uploader/inc/js/plupload/i18n folder for language file options.

= Entries are not appearing in admin area =

Gravity forms requires that each form has at least 1 gravity forms field to show results. So if you have just the uploader in your form try adding a text field or something similar. I will look into a work around in future updates.

= Videos are not uploaded to YouTube =

The YouTube uploader requires PHP iconv extension to work. Ask your host to install it for you.

= Files are uploading but not shown in media library =

This is probably an issue with the file being larger than PHP post size allows. Try enabling chunked uploads, and be sure that the chunked upload size is not larger than your PHP post size on the server (try 1mb if you have problems).

= How can i override the uploader UI javascript =

That depends on the UI you have set in the options:

jQuery UI:

Queue UI:

Custom UI:

Check out the Plupload docs and you can customize anything.

= The Video Uploader addon does not work with large video files =

This is due to your server script timeout settings. The plugin does attempt to set 'max_execution_time' & 'mysql.connect_timeout', but if your host has disabled these options then i'm afraid you are stuck unless you can ask them to increase these for you or you can add your own php.ini.

= File Chunking doesnt work too well in some older browsers =

This option can be hit and miss in some older browsers, that said it works in most of them. Just test it and see.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Shot of jQuery UI version.
  2. Shot of Queue UI version.
  3. Shot of Custom UI version - you set this badboy up!
  4. The options page, lost of param goodness

== Changelog ==

= 1.4 = Updates for WordPress 4.4.2. Fixed some issues with Youtube api for some users, go to settings as re authorize with youtube to address any api issues

= 1.37 = HotFix for filenames with spaces

= 1.36 = Better support for German language filenames

= 1.35 =

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= 1.1 =

= 1.0 =

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.4 = Updates for WordPress 4.4.2. Fixed some issues with Youtube api for some users, go to settings as re authorize with youtube to address any api issues

= 1.37 = HotFix for filenames with spaces

= 1.36 = Better support for German language filenames

= 1.35 =

= 1.34 =

= 1.33 =

= 1.32 =

= 1.31 =

= 1.3 =

= 1.27 =

= 1.26 =

= 1.25 =

= 1.24 =

= 1.23 =

= 1.22 = Added support for Ajax form submissions, Files now stay in queue after a failed validation

= 1.21 =

= 1.19 =

= 1.18 =

= 1.17 =

= 1.16 =

= 1.15 = Filenames are maintained "as is" if file rename option is off. Video uploader now supports WMV and MPEG files.

= 1.14 =

= 1.13 = Fixes some problems with file uploads and validation on some server setups. Added plugin option to save video files on server after upload via video upload api Added support for creating posts with gravity forms. All uploads are added as post attachments New option to disable file renaming and maintain original file names (see security setting in plugin options) Added [get_adv_uploads] shortcode to list all post file attachments in post content

= 1.1 = Fixes problems that may occur with some browsers due to Javascript console log calls.

= 1.0 = This is the first version of plugin.

== Hooks ==

