prestonfick / Echo2Wunderlist

Simple Python script to move items from your Echo lists in to specified Wunderlists
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Simple Python script to move items from your Echo lists in to specified Wunderlists

Tested and run using Python 2.7.11

This script was created to allow integration of Wunderlist with the Echo. This script is designed to be run on a server and simply monitors your native Echo shopping and to-do lists provided by the Echo service. You can add items to your lists like normal then this script will put them in your specified Wunderlists and remove them from the Echo lists. This script uses PyEcho, which screen scrapes the Echo/Alexa page to login and use the undocumented APIs to access the shopping and to-do lists. It also uses wunderpy2 to access the standard Wunderlist API to move the items from your Echo lists to your Wunderlists.

Python Dependencies

This also uses PyEcho as a submodule (use --recursive when cloning to pull that in)


Usage: python <echo_email> <echo_password> <wunderlist_client_id> <wunderlist_access_token> <wunderlist_shopping_list_name> <wunderlist_todo_list_name> [<scheduler_frequency_s>] [<gmail_address> <gmail_app_password>]

Wunderlist API Access

To use the Wunderlist APIs you'll need to register an application to get the credentials supplied as arguments above. Here are the steps to do that: