prestonpeterson / CI_RAE

Bot that scrapes user comments and profiles on and performs various analyses on the resulting data.
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Channel Islands Reddit Analytics Bot

Reddit Analytics Engine developed by students from CSU Channel Islands

Mattias Huber, Preston Peterson, Phillip Porter, Heather Bradfield, Zoltan Batoczki, Jesus Bamford

Copyright GNU Public License.

#### The purpose of this engine is to tap into the data goldmine that is Reddit is a massive online forum and social network platform that hosts immense amounts of publicly available user data. #### The Engine is also able to take user_input directly from comments posted on Reddit. Comments attempting to signal the Engine must begin with the string `/u/ci_rae` > To view the complete source code documentation, clone the repo and open CI_RAE/doxygen/html/index.html in your preferred internet browser. #### Input syntax: `/u/ci_rae command target` ### Analytics currently offered by CI_RAE: * `user_activity`: Generates a graph that shows when a user is most active. * `word_cloud`: Generates a word cloud based on your comment history. * `word_count`: Generates a graph that shows the words you used the most in your comment history. * `karma_breakdown`: Generates a graph that shows your karma based on which subreddits you've submitted and commented on. * `locations`: Generates a list of locations you have mentioned such as countries and states (currently, only U.S. states are listed). * `user_interests`: Generates a graph that shows what interests the user the most. * `sentiment_search`: Scans Reddit user's usage of given target product or terms, performs a linguistic analysis to determine Reddit's overall sentiment on the subject: good, bad, or otherwise. * `snarkiness`: Returns a score based on how often the user says profanity. * `best_worst`: Returns a user's comment and submission with the highest score, and the comment and submission with the lowest score. A target can be a user or in the case of sentiment_search, a search term. --- #### Requirements: * OS: Linux, OSX, or Windows * Python3, to install: `sudo apt-get install python3` * pip3 to install dependencies: `sudo apt-get install python3-pip` * Download the github repository and extract to a path (we used /home//Desktop) * Run the following command to add the path to Python `export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home//Desktop"` * Command to install dependencies (from CI_RAE directory): `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` To run the bot, run in the CI_RAE/bot/ directory. Bot will connect to reddit and listen for a command. To create a command for the bot, sign up for a reddit account and post a comment anywhere with the following format: `/u/ci_rae ` You may message the bot directly by logging in reddit and navigating to `` and clicking on the "send a private message" link on the right hand side, and send a message with the following format: `/u/ci_rae ` #### To Install the Dashboard: * First install jupyter notebook: `sudo pip3 install jupyter` * Then run in terminal: `jupyter notebook` * By default, a local server will begin running on localhoast:8888 * Open a browser and type `localhost:8888` * Navigate to and run the file `Channel Islands Reddit Analytics Engine Dashboard.ipynb` * Make sure the script `` is in the same directory as the .ipynb file * Click on the cell that says `%run`, and hit shift+enter in order to run * Enter a redditor user name in the text box, then click on which analytics module you wish to run