Set of exercises for Kubernetes workshops organized by community.
** Exercises :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: exercises :END:
*** Kubernetes 101
[[01_kubernetes_intro]] Introduction of kubernetes concepts:
*** K8S Scheduling
[[02_kubernetes_scheduling]] Writing and using custom kubernetes scheduler.
*** K8S Operators
[[03_kubernetes_operators]] Extending kubernetes functionality using Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) and kubernetes operators.
*** Monitoring K8S
[[04_kubernetes_monitoring]] Using Prometheus to monitor kubernetes ecosystem and applications running on it.
*** Istio K8S ingres
[[05_istio_on_kubernetes]] Using Istio service mesh on Kubernetes.
*** Operator SDK
*** Ansible Operator
** License :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: license :END:
[[./LICENSE][Apache License Version 2]]