pride-universe / PRIDEbot

MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link



A discord bot for managing the a couple of discord servers.


Setting up for development is pretty straightforward. The important things are having the right node/npm versions and having the required secret keys which allow you to connect to the PRIDEbot dev discord server.

Build Prerequisites

Access Keys

Create a file in the root of the project called .env and copy in:

WEBHOOK_ID="[webhook id]"
WEBHOOK_TOKEN="[webhook token]"
CLIENT_SECRET="[oauth2 client secret]"
#This will be injected by the vue app
JWT_SECRET="[random string]"

You will need to create a discord bot of your own so that there isn't conflicts with multiple collaborators trying to start/use the same bot. You can follow this quick guide to get a bot created and a token generated. Use this for your discordToken above At the prompt to join your bot to a discord server - ensure that you have been given access already to the Bots R Us discord server for your testing.

You will need to give your Bot permissions in the Bots R Us server so that it can post/be visible in the members list

The logging module id and token can be provided directly from Linn (project maintainer)