primaryodors / primarydock molecular docker.
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Confidence level in predictions. #280

Open electronicsbyjulie opened 1 year ago

electronicsbyjulie commented 1 year ago

Each entry in predict/dock_results_*.json that gives a predicted activity (agonist, non-agonist, etc.) should also give a percent confidence value.

TODO: Determine how to calculate the confidence percentage. In the current method_coupled.php script, a ligand is evaluated as an agonist if its total hGNAL-coupled or hGNAS2-coupled energy is less than the inactive protein energy. If the difference is large, say -30 kJ/mol, then the confidence should be very high, perhaps >= 95%. If the difference is small, say smaller than -5 kJ/mol, then the confidence should be low.

When an odorant has been docked in all G-protein-coupled PDBs and its activity estimated for all odor receptors, an additional tab can be shown on the www/odorant.php page with a graph and list of calculated activities for each OR, using the confidence to determine the line heights for predicted agonistic activities.