primaryodors / primarydock molecular docker.
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gpcr molecular-docking molecular-viewer molecular-visualization olfaction path-based-docking protein-function-prediction protein-ligand-interactions side-chain-flexion side-chain-orientation

PrimaryDock molecular docker.

PrimaryDock is a lightweight stochastic molecular docking software package that offers the following advantages:

PrimaryDock comes with Pepteditor, a tool for editing proteins using a scripting language.

PrimaryDock has a prediction feature that attempts to predict receptor responses to odorants. The prediction feature requires php and OpenBabel to be installed. See for more info.

PrimaryDock also offers a web interface that allows you to run a local copy of the same data explorer pages that power the PrimaryOdors website. The web interface also requires OpenBabel.

To use PrimaryDock and Pepteditor, please first clone the repository, then enter the primarydock/ folder and execute the following command:


The application will require 3D maps of your target receptor(s) in PDB format. If your model contains heavy atoms only, the accuracy of docking results may be severely compromised. Fortunately, PrimaryDock can hydrogenate PDBs automatically during docking, or you can use Pepteditor to hydrogenate them before docking. PDBs for human olfactory receptors are provided in the pdbs/ folder for olfactory docking. They have been modified from the PDBs available from AlphaFold.

It will also be necessary to obtain 3D models of your ligand(s). Currently, only SDF format is supported. SDFs can be obtained a few different ways:

Please take a look at the primarydock.config file as a sample of the format for dock settings. You will want to edit this file, or create a new one, for each receptor+ligand pair that you wish to dock. There are lines for repointing to your PDB and SDF model input files, as well as various other options that may be useful to your purposes.

Known issue: please make sure to add an empty line at the end of your config file, or primarydock will throw an exception.

Once your .config file is ready, and the PrimaryDock code is compiled, simply cd to the primarydock folder and run the following command:

./bin/primarydock {config file}

(...replacing {config file} with the actual name of your config file.)

After a little while, depending on your config settings, PrimaryDock will output data about one or more poses, including binding energy per residue, binding energy per type, total binding energy, PDB data of the ligand, and (if flexing is enabled) PDB data of the flexed residues and binding residues. This output can be captured and parsed by external code written in your language of choice, for further omputation, storage in a database, etc.

Most of the time, PrimaryDock will find poses with favorable energy levels because of the Best-Binding algorithm, which seeks to match binding pocket features with compatible ligand features. However, there may be a few cases when a ligand is a poor fit for a binding pocket, and PrimaryDock might find zero output poses. If this happens, you can try increasing the energy limit or performing a soft dock. PrimaryDock is stochastic so that its output will be different each time, and rerunning the application can often catch poses that previous runs may have missed.

Contributions are always welcome! Please create a branch off of stable, then submit a pull request. All PRs that change the C++ classes or any of the apps must pass the master unit tests (test/ before merge.

Note to developers: if you run PrimaryDock under a memory utility such as Valgrind, you are likely to see a lot of errors saying that uninitialized variables are being used or that conditional jumps depend on them. Most of these are false positives. Many places in the code create temporary arrays of pointers and then assign those pointers addresses of objects that persist throughout the entire program execution. The memory tool "thinks" the objects have not been initialized even when they have. We recommend using the --undef-value-errors=no option with valgrind or the equivalent switch in your utility of choice.

Web Application

You may optionally host your own PrimaryDock web interface for viewing the contents of the JSON files in the data folder. It is the same web application that is used for the Primary Odors website.

Web app screenshot

To enable the web app:

If you get a 403 Forbidden error, please make sure that every containing folder of the primarydock/www folder has public execute access.

Adding Data

To add a new receptor protein to the PrimaryDock database, there is a series of steps and utilities that facilitate this process: