Systemd Unitfile Linter
usage: systemdlint [-h] [--nodropins] [--rootpath ROOTPATH] [--sversion SVERSION] [--output OUTPUT] [--norootfs] files [files ...]
Systemd Unitfile Linter
positional arguments:
files Files to parse
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--nodropins Ignore Drop-Ins for parsing
--rootpath ROOTPATH Root path
--sversion SVERSION Version of Systemd to be used
--output OUTPUT Where to flush the findings (default: stderr)
--norootfs Run only unit file related tests
Surely you can use systemd-analyze verify [unitname]
to validate your units - no problem and it's
the recommended way if you writing units for the system you are currently running on.
Unfortunately systemd doesn't offer a validation which doesn't require an already running version of
systemd you want to validate against.
This tool was initially created to check units in cross-compiled embedded images at build time, where you can't run a copy of systemd (as it's cross-compiled). As a consequence it doesn't use any systemd code and might interpret some settings differently than systemd itself - as with every linter take the outcomes as a basis for further analysis. Also keep in mind, that systemd does create a larger stack of runtime files, which are not taken into account by the tool - same for kernel related information like /dev, /sys or /proc entries.
Furthermore the tool gives you advice how your unit files could be hardened.
simply run
pip3 install systemdlint
pip3 install systemdunitparser anytree
sudo ./
The tool will return
{file}:{line}:{severity} [{id}] - {message}
/lib/systemd/system/console-shell.service:18:info [NoFailureCheck] - Return-code check is disabled. Errors are not reported
/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-halt.service:11:info [NoFailureCheck] - Return-code check is disabled. Errors are not reported
/lib/systemd/system/systemd-ask-password-console.service:12:warning [ReferencedUnitNotFound] - The Unit 'systemd-vconsole-setup.service' referenced was not found in filesystem
/lib/systemd/system/ [ReferencedUnitNotFound] - The Unit 'tmp.mount' referenced was not found in filesystem
The output format is configurable with --messageformat
, for example:
systemdlint --messageformat='{path}:{line}:{severity}:{msg}' ...
Find the extension in the marketplace, or search for systemdlint-vscode