privacyinpublic / vpn

Private Internet Access VPN in Vagrant w/ Ansible
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This project provides a Vagrant machine that connects to a Private Internet Access VPN. Undesirable connections are Firewalled to protect from dns and other leakage in the event of the VPN becoming disconnected.



Bring up the VM using

    vagrant up

NOTE: Software packages are downloaded (i.e. openvpn) from public Ubuntu repositories before the PIA VPN is established. Use a VPN on the host machine if you would like to prevent this leakage.


The VPN should be available on reboot. If it is not the Firewall rules will block any outgoing connections with the exception of DNS (to PIA's DNS) and establishing a connection to the default VPN.

The openvpn service can be managed with /etc/init.d/openvpn. To restart the VPN use:

    sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart


Once started Deluge UI should be available on http://localhost:8112.

Connect to Deluge UI and change the password immediately. The old password is "deluge".

The configuration for this exists in Vagrantfile and can be changed using an environment variable "forwarded_port", guest: delugeport, host: 8112

Deluge should move completed files to /home/deluge/completed. To share this folder with the host system, edit Vagrantfile and change disabled to false as shown.

    config.vm.synced_folder "./files/downloads", "/home/deluge/complete", owner: "deluge", disabled: false

This change will need to be made after the system is provisioned and /home/deluge/complete exists. After the change is made use vagrant reload to restart the system.


Git support has been provided to help contributors provide fixes. It can be commented out in site.yml

To share local files edit Vagrantfile and change disabled to false as shown

    config.vm.synced_folder "./files/src", "/home/vagrant/src", disabled: false


The test tole provides basic testing support at the command line.

Check your external ip address:


Hope to add dns leak tests and more later.


Environment Variables


I can't connect to anything

Your VPN might be disconnected.

    vagrant ssh
    sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn reset

deluge web isn't working

deluge may not be started

    ps aux | grep deluge
    sudo -u deluge tail /var/log/deluge/daemon.log
    sudo restart deluged
    sudo restart deluge-web