priviere / PPBstats

A R package for Participatory Plant Breeding statisticial analyses
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agriculture-research participatory-plant-breeding statistical-analysis


PPBstats is a freely available package based on the R software for Participatory Plant Breeding statisticial analyses. It performs analyses on the data collected during PPB programs at four levels:

The objectives of PPBstats are

  1. to have a single package capable of performing several analyses required for PPB programmes with comprehensive documentation, and
  2. to create a community working on PPB programmes in order to improve the package, exchange on how to process data from PPB programmes and develop good practices.

Examples of analysis performed by PPBstats


Network of seed management

Descriptive analysis can be done regarding:

Below an example on unipart network for seed lots analysis:

# get data

# format data for the package
net_unipart_sl = format_data_PPBstats(
  type = "data_network",
  data = data_network_unipart_sl, 
  network_part = "unipart", 
  vertex_type =  "seed_lots")

# Display outputs
plot(net_unipart_sl, plot_type = "network", organize_sl = TRUE)

## [[1]]
## [[1]]$network

Other examples can be found in the book.

Agronomic trials

Statistical analysis can be done

Below an example on GGE model:

# get data

# format data for the package
data_model_GxE = format_data_PPBstats(data_model_GxE, type = "data_agro")

Once the data are formated, the model is run

# run the GGE model
out_gge = model_GxE(data_model_GxE, variable = "y1", gxe_analysis = "GGE")

Then, check it, for example with residuals

# check if the model went well
out_check_gge = check_model(out_gge)
p_out_check_gge = plot(out_check_gge)

## $histogram

## $qqplot

## $points

Then, compare means

# get mean comparisons
out_mean_comparisons_gge = mean_comparisons(out_check_gge, p.adj = "bonferroni")
p_out_mean_comparisons_gge = plot(out_mean_comparisons_gge)

Then, look at biplot

# get biplot
out_biplot_gge = biplot_data(out_check_gge)
p_out_biplot_gge = plot(out_biplot_gge)

Organoleptic tests

Sensory analysis can be done on

Below an example on hedonic analysis

# get data

# format data for the package
data_hedonic = format_data_PPBstats(data_hedonic, type = "data_organo_hedonic", threshold = 2)

# descriptive analysis
p_note = plot(data_hedonic, plot_type = "boxplot", x_axis = "germplasm",
               in_col = "location", vec_variables = "note"

descriptors = data_hedonic$descriptors

p_des = plot(data_hedonic, plot_type = "radar", in_col = "germplasm", 
                         vec_variables = descriptors

A model can also be run.

Molecular analyses

Under development …


A full tutorial of PPBstats is available in the book on the website.

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