priviere / shinemas2R_deprecated

An R package to visualize outputs from the data base Seed History and Network Management System (SHiNeMaS)
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This version of shinemas2R is deprecated because:

A new version of shinemas2R may be done one day with only one fonction shinemas() that could get dataset formated for a given package as PPBstats for example.


shinemas2R is an R package that analyses outputs from the data base SHiNeMaS (Seeds History and Network Management System).

The R code is under licence GPL-3.

The vignette of this package is under licence creative commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. More information about this licence here.

The copyright of the R code and the vignette are owned by Réseau Semences Paysannes and Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique


shinemas2R is now at version 0.11

The version number is under the form A.B with

See NEWS here to know the evolution of the codes.

Participate to development

You can participate in three ways:

  1. test this development version and report bugs
  2. translate the package
  3. update functions to answer your specific needs

If you update the code, you can refer to the issues and do it in on another branch. Anyhow, send me an email if you wish to participate in order to coordinate our efforts!

1. Test and report bugs

First, load the development version:


The easiest way to start is to look at the vignette to know how the package works.

You can see the vignette here. You can download it by clicking on 'Raw' in the top right corner.

Do not hesitate to let a message in the issues or to send me an email if some points are not clear in the vignette or you find bugs.

2. Translate

The package is in english. Every contributions to other languages are welcome! More information on R package translation here.

3. Update functions to answer your specific needs

You can update here in order to format data for existing R packages. Note that the output of the R packages must be a ggplot object to be taken by get.pdf.

You may want new query types ( here), new plots (get.ggplot here) or new tables (get.table here) to answer your specific needs.