prixe / lindo

Lindo No-Emu allows you to play DOFUS touch on your computer (Windows/Mac/Linux). Fork of the original DTNE by Daniel & Thomas.
GNU General Public License v3.0
172 stars 97 forks source link
dofus dofus-touch dofustouch electron


Build & Publish Current release Compatible os [Minimum node]() Github All Releases Contributors Website

Lindo in game screenshot


Official WebSite

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We are also on Twitter, Telegram and Matrix if you want to get notified of new updates:

⚠️ Dofus Touch is the entire property of Ankama Games, and we are not affiliated with Ankama. None of the files hosted in this repository are under copyright: They come from Open Source projects, libraries, the original DofusTouch No-Emu created by Daniel & Thomas and the work of direct contributors. We do not intend to cause any harm to Ankama Games and will never take any revenue from this project.

Keep in mind that Lindo doesn't officially respect the TOU (also known as CGU, Conditions Générales d'Utilisation in french) of Dofus Touch, use it at your own risk.

Supported Platform

Lindo No-Emu works on :

Table of contents


Download the latest version of Lindo No-Emu from Github for your platform.


Run the arm64 mac os version for M1/M2 processors

Issue with arm64 build


Install the project

$ git clone
$ cd lindo
# install dependencies
$ yarn install


Start the application in debug mode

# start the application
$ yarn dev
# or from the vs code, launch -> Debug App

Build the project

Build the production artefact for your current platform

$ yarn build

Directory structure

Once dev or build npm-script is executed, the dist folder will be generated. It has the same structure as the packages folder, the purpose of this design is to ensure the correct path calculation.

├── build                     Resources for the production build
|   ├── icon.icns             Icon for the application on macOS
|   ├── icon.ico              Icon for the application
|   ├── installerIcon.ico     Icon for the application installer
|   └── uninstallerIcon.ico   Icon for the application uninstaller
├── dist                      Generated after build according to the "packages" directory
|   ├── main                  Source for the main process of electron
|   ├── preload               Source for the preload process of electron
|   ├── renderer              Source for the webview (React Application)
|   └── shared                Shared files between the main and renderer process
├── release                   Generated after production build, contains executables
|   └──{version}
|       ├── win-unpacked      Contains unpacked application executable
|       └── Setup.exe         Installer for the application
├── scripts
|   ├── build.mjs             Develop script -> npm run build
|   └── watch.mjs             Develop script -> npm run dev
├── packages
|   ├── i18n                  Localization source code
|   ├── main                  Main-process source code
|   |   └── vite.config.ts
|   ├── preload               Preload-script source code
|   |   └── vite.config.ts
|   ├── renderer              Renderer-process source code
|   |   └── vite.config.ts
|   └── shared                Shared files between the main,renderer and preload process

dependencies vs devDependencies

How to help ?

You can contact a senior developer of the project as Clover or Zenoxs. Then you can create a pull request to add or fix features, you can also submit improvement idea or bug issue in the issues section.

Generate the Table of Content

If you edit the README.MD you wanna update the table of contents you can easily achieve it by using this command :

$ npx doctoc