proactative / movies-explorer-api

Project "Movies explorer" - backend part оf diploma project for Yandex Prаcticum course
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api eslint express-js mongodb winston

Project "Movies explorer"

shield shield

About the project

Backend part for the application which helps find movies according to the request and save them as chosen ones.
The project was done as a diploma work within Yandex Practicum course "Web-developer".

Link to the project

Start the project

npm run start — start the server
npm run dev — start the server with hot-reload


Middleware apiLimiter limits the amount of requests to 100 within 15 minutes.
Middleware auth protects all routes except /signin and /signup.
Middleware error is used for processing errors.
Middleware logger keeps logging errors in error.log and requests in request.log at the server.
Password is kept as a hash and API doesn`t return it to the user.
User can delete only his/her saved movie.

Main directories



API request Route Aim
POST /signin authorization
POST /signup registration
GET /users/me get information about the user
PATCH /users/me update information about the user
GET /movies get user`s movies
POST /movies add a movie
DELETE /movies/:id delete the movie by id


for development